Steve Frost is Ordained Priest for Local Ministry in South Leitrim Group of Parishes
Congratulations to Revd. Stephen Frost who was ordained a priest for local ministry by Bishop Ferran Glenfield at a service in St St George’s, Carrick-on-Shannon on Sunday 19th September. Revd. Steve will be serving in the South Leitrim Group of Parishes working alongside his wife Linda, who is the Rector of the Group.
They have three children; the two girls are married and four grandchildren. As a couple they have been involved in different areas of Christian ministry throughout their married life. Speaking about the call to ministry he says; ‘The course of my life was fixed when as a teenager I heard a missionary from Hong Kong speak on the ministry of Barnabus. Since then, the words from one of Wesley’s great hymns, “…Or if to serve Thy Church and Thee, my soul be offered up at last….”, remain written on my heart’. He has been involved with several overseas missions and in 2004 he established, ‘Love in Action Philippines’, a ministry working in the Philippines.
Up until January 2018, Revd. Steve worked as an ambulance paramedic and served as a Diocesan Reader. Following two heart attacks he had to retire from the ambulance service on health grounds. The new OLM (Ordained Local Minister) course was about to be launched, so he applied and was accepted. He says undertaking the course was an important part of his recovery as he discovered a new direction for my life.
Rather uniquely he will be serving in the South Leitrim Group as his wife’s curate. Revd. Linda is responsible for 10 churches spread over a wide area so he will be kept busy. Your prayerful support is much appreciated.