Revd. Mark Smith appointed to the Kildrumferton Group of Parishes

Revd. Mark Smith has been appointed as the Rector of the Kildrumferton Group of Parishes, serving Ballyjamesduff, Ballymachugh and Kildrumferton.

Revd. Mark has been serving as Minister-in-Charge of the Kildrumferton Group of Parishes since 2021, and was previously a Curate in the parish of Holy Trinity, Frogmore (just south of St Albans over in England). He’s really enjoyed getting to know people over the last four years, loves Co. Cavan and the local community, and is excited about continuing to serve the Lord Jesus here in the years to come. Mark is married to Ruth, who is originally from Co. Armagh and a chartered accountant by training. They have a five year old daughter, who has recently started at Billis NS.

Mark has a passion for good engaging preaching, for visiting and spending time with individuals, for children’s and youth work, and for reaching out into the community with the good news of the Lord Jesus. He also enjoys playing and watching sport, running, reading and putting together Disney Princess Lego with his daughter! Mark and Ruth love people and are looking forward to their home in Ballyjamesduff continuing to be a place of hospitality, friendship and fellowship!

Revd Mark will be instituted as the Rector of the Kildrumferton Group of Parishes on Sunday 13th April at 4.00pm in Ballymachugh. Everyone is very welcome to attend.