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Al-Ahli Hospital continues to serve Gazans

Supported through Bishops’ Appeal’s current appeal for the Middle East Bishops’ Appeal is pleased to share the news that al-Ahli Arab Hospital, which is administered by the Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem, is continuing to provide essential care and support for people in urgent humanitarian need in Gaza City. Canon Don Binder, the Archbishop of Jerusalem’s […]

Preparing for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025

‘Do you believe this?’ – John 11:26 Bishop Michael Burrows, as Chair of the Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue, has encouraged parishes to consider celebrating the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, to take place in January, with resources prepared by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.  This annual initiative traditionally takes place between […]

Bishops’ Appeal encourages prayer for Middle East on Advent Sunday

Bishops’ Appeal, the Church of Ireland’s world aid and development programme, is asking all parishes to remember the Middle East in prayer this Advent Sunday (1st December) and, following this morning’s ceasefire, to continue to pray for an end to all violence and destruction.  The following prayers may be helpful for personal use or for […]

Care for every moment of life – A response to proposals for laws permitting assisted suicide

The Church and Society Commission of the Church of Ireland has produced this resource for members of the Church regarding the sensitive issues that arise in relation to the end of human life.  This is available for printing and sharing in parishes from the following page: www.churchofireland.org/careforeverymoment Over recent months, members of both Dáil Éireann and […]

Sunday and Weekday Readings 2025 – booklet now available

The Season of Advent begins on Sunday, 1st December, therefore beginning a new liturgical year and a fresh cycle of daily Scripture readings Sunday and Weekday Readings 2025, published by Church of Ireland Publishing, is now available to assist clergy and lay readers in preparing for and leading worship services. Readings are available for the principal […]

Anglican Communion calls for protection of the world’s poorest in the face of climate crisis

An Anglican delegation is attending COP29, the United Nations Conference of the Parties on Climate Change, in Baku, Azerbaijan, from November 11–22. They will make calls for action demonstrating Anglican commitment to tackling the climate crisis and the power of faith groups in achieving change. The COP29 delegation will be led by Archbishop Julio Murray […]