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Dear despairing young person

We’re all too well aware of the struggles with mental health that so many people deal with on a daily basis, often silently. Young people are no exception, and they face so many pressures that can affect them deeply. For some, it can be very difficult to see any hope of things improving.   With […]

Bishop’s Letter February 2022

February is with us with winter giving way to spring. The days are stretching out. Sunrise yesterday in Cavan was a glorious sight. The sky was bathed in a burnt orange glow. The clouds in the orange-coloured dawn warned that rain was on the way, as the well-known weather lore says: “Red sky in the […]

Two new Canons Installed in Kilmore Cathedral

Congratulations to Canon Ian Horner and Canon Ruth West who were installed as Prebendaries of St Fethlimidh’s Cathedral last Sunday night (23rd January 2022). Canon Ruth (from the Florencecourt Group of Parishes ) will serve as Prebendary of Drumlease and Canon Ian (from the Bailieborough Group of Parishes) will serve as Prebendary of Annnagh. The […]

Bishop’s Letter January 2022

January looks both ways, backwards to the old year and forward to the new year. Another year opens, covered with the Covid cloud which is proving hard to lift. We are weary of Covid and want it consigned to the pages of history. It is difficult to plan anything with any degree of certainty. All […]