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2018 Easter message from Bishop Ferran Glenfield

The Irish rugby team have been bathing in the glory of victory winning only their third Grand Slam in the long history of the game. The win warmed the country in the cold days of the Beast from the East and the Baby Beast from the East. At Easter Christians celebrate the victory of Jesus […]

Plough Sunday Service Ballymachugh

At the end of each farming year we join together at the church in great celebration and give thanks to God for the year that has been, the crops we have yielded, the livestock we have raised and the food we have made. This year, as well as looking back and thanking God for the […]

Call to prayer and fasting for South Sudan and DRC

Following updates from its global partners, CMS Ireland is echoing a call to pray and fast for South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo on Friday 23rd February.   The mass movement of people within and outside these two countries is not stopping. Over many years, sustained violence and insecurity in both places […]

CIYD Day of Prayer for Young People

The Church of Ireland Youth Department are holding a Day of Prayer for Young People and Youth Ministry on Sunday the 11th February. Parishes across the island will be organising events and services to pray for the needs of young people and for the you the leaders and ministries that serve them. » Click HERE for […]

Crosslinks Day Conference

Pentecost marked the launch of the Christian mission. The risen Jesus commissioned his disciples to proclaim “the forgiveness of sins in his name to all nations” but he also commanded them first to stay in Jerusalem until they were “clothed with power from on high” (Luke 24:44-49). What followed on the day of Pentecost was […]

Christmas Message 2017

Christmas is on the cards. Sending and receiving Christmas cards is still very much part of our Christmas experience. There is a whole variety of greetings on the cards :Merry Christmas, Season’s Greetings’, Nollaig Shona Duit and Ho Ho Ho are but a few offered this year. The greeting is key because it was at […]

Revd. Ali Calvin installed as Prebendary of Annagh

The Revd. Alison Calvin was installed as Prebendary of Annagh at an evening service on Advent Sunday 3rd December in St Fethlimidh’s Cathedral, Kilmore. It was a beautiful service with the promise of advent running through all the hymns and readings. Canon Ali said it was ‘a reminder of what a privilege it is to […]