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Revd. Ian Horner Instituted as the Rector of the Bailieborough Group of Parishes

On the evening of Sunday 27th November family, friends, parishioners and members of the community gathered to celebrate the institution of the Revd Ian Horner as Incumbent of the Bailieborough Group of parishes (Bailieborough, Knockbride, Mullagh and Shercock). The service, which took place in the wonderful atmosphere of Bailieborough church was led by Bishop Ferran […]

Second Mothers’ Union All-Ireland Prayer Vigil to END violence against women

In solidarity with women across the world, Mothers’ Union is supporting the 16 Days of Activism Campaign for the second year running with an All-Ireland Prayer Vigil. This initiative highlights and calls for an end to violence against women locally, nationally and internationally.   Mothers’ Union in Kilmore, Elphin&Ardagh covering Counties Sligo, Leitrim, Roscommon and […]

Appointment Announcement – Revd Ian Horner – Bailieborough Group

The Revd. Ian Horner has been appointed as Rector of the Bailieborough Group of Parishes in the Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh.  He has been the Curate of the Bailieborough Group since August 2014. Ian is originally from Greystones in Co Wicklow.  Having earned qualifications in Business Management and in Sound Engineering & Music […]

Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh Diocesan Synod 2016

Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh Diocesan Synod 2016   The Annual Joint Meeting of the Diocesan Synods of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh took place this Saturday 15th October in Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim. The Synod was preceded by a celebration of The Holy Communion in St George’s Church which began with the commissioning of Hannah O’Neill and […]

Irish College of Preachers annual Conference

The Irish College of Preachers annual Conference, took place recently at CITI. The guest speaker was Archdeacon David Huss, Rector of the Donegal Group of parishes in Raphoe Diocese. David focused on the Sermon on the Mount, in anticipation of the Revised Common Lectionary readings for 2016/17, which features the Gospel according to Matthew. Some […]

Hannah O’Neill and Marian Edwards appointed as KEA Diocesan Youth and Children’s Co-ordinators

This month the Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh have appointed two Diocesan Youth and Children’s Co-ordinators. The aim of these exciting roles is to support individual Parish groups and other Diocesan organisations as they nurture and foster Christian faith development in children and young people in the Diocese.   Hannah O’Neill has been appointed […]

Ordination of Richard Beadle and Richard Waller

Last Sunday 11th September, Revd. Captain Richard Beadle and Revd. Captain Richard Waller were ordained as Deacons for ministry in the Church of Ireland by Rt. Revd. Ferran Glenfield, the Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh. The service took place in St. Fethlimidh’s Cathedral, Kilmore.   Richard Beadle, who has been an active Church Army […]