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Christmas Message 2015 – Bishop Ferran

Christmas is a season of mystery. Gifts are bought in secret, presents are wrapped and then hidden away only to be revealed on Christmas Day. At Christmas we are faced with the greatest mystery of all time, the coming of God to earth. The clues of God’s coming litter the Bible. Readings at carol services have brought these […]

Revd. Isaac Hanna Appointed as the Archdeacon of Elphin and Ardagh

PRESS RELEASE – 11/12/2015 Revd. Isaac Hanna Appointed as the Archdeacon of Elphin and Ardagh Revd. Isaac Hanna, the Rector of Drumcliffe, Lissadell and Munninane, has been appointed as the new Archdeacon of the Dioceses of Elphin and Ardagh. A service of Installation will be held on the 31st January 2016 at 4pm in Sligo […]

Mothers’ Union ’16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence’ Prayer Vigil

The Mothers’ Union ’16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence’ Prayer Vigil will take place on Saturday the 28th November in St George’s Church Carrick-on-Shannon between 3 and 6pm. The Vigil will include speakers from the Domestic Violence Advocacy Service, The Samaritans, Sligo Rape Crisis Centre and Invisible Trafficking.   Click Here To Download The […]

Better Together – Diocesan Synod, 17th Oct

BETTER TOGETHER The Annual Joint Meeting of the Diocesan Synods of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh took place on Saturday 17th October in the Bush Hotel, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim. At this meeting Bishop Ferran Glenfield introduced the proposed union of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh under a single administration. At present the diocese is administered in two […]

RTE Service on Sunday with Sligo Grammar School Choir

The RTE One Service on Sunday 11th October was a Harvest Thanksgiving with Sligo Grammar School Choir directed by Johnathan Carter. The service, which was lead by Revd. Canon Patrick Bamber can be seen on the RTE player at: http://www.rte.ie/player/ie/show/masses-and-services-936/10478026/.  

Bishop Wallace Ben Visits KEA

Bishop Wallace Benn will lead a Quiet Day for the clergy of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh on the 9th October 2015. and the Lay Readers Autumn School on the 10th October 2015. The theme for the clergy Quiet Day will be ‘Jesus our Joy’ and will have two addresses on Philippians entitled ‘Confidence in Christ’ […]

Farewell to Revd Liz McElhinney

On Sunday 30th August a Service of Farewell was held in St Coman’s Church, Roscommon for Canon Liz McElhinney who has retired as Priest-in-Charge of the Roscommon Group of Parishes. The church was filled with parishioners and members of the wider community who enjoyed the music and singing of various groups. At the service, a […]