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COI Mission Statement

Church of Ireland Mission Statement The Church of Ireland, as an authentic part of the universal church of God, is called to developgrowing communities of faith, in and through which the Kingdom of God is made known, and in which the whole people serve together as followers of Jesus Christ for the good of the […]

A Wider Us – Council for Mission

Church of Ireland Mission Statement The Church of Ireland Council for Mission invited the Bishops to nominate members of their dioceses to attend a Mission Conference at Dromantine, along with representatives of key committees and groups, for the purposes of addressing the vital question: “How do we articulate the mission of the Church of Ireland […]

Bishop writes about his trip to South Carolina

South Carolina Visit, May 2014 For a number of years now the dioceses of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh, has had a warm working relationship with the diocese of South Carolina in the United States. This relationship grew from Bishop Ken and Bishop Mark Lawrence of South Carolina (pictured above) meeting at the Lambeth Conference of […]

Bishop visits South Carolina

South Carolina Visit, May 2014 Bishop Ferran met up with Bishop Mark Lawrence (left) of the Diocese of South Carolina, while visiting The Church of the Cross, Bluffton for the first time. KEA have had a fruitful partnership with The Church of the Cross and with their rector, Very Rev. Chuck Owens (centre), for a […]