Revd. Mark Smith appointed to the Kildrumferton Group of Parishes

Revd. Mark Smith has been appointed as the Rector of the Kildrumferton Group of Parishes, serving Ballyjamesduff, Ballymachugh and Kildrumferton.

Revd. Mark has been serving as Minister-in-Charge of the Kildrumferton Group of Parishes since 2021, and was previously a Curate in the parish of Holy Trinity, Frogmore (just south of St Albans over in England). He’s really enjoyed getting to know people over the last four years, loves Co. Cavan and the local community, and is excited about continuing to serve the Lord Jesus here in the years to come. Mark is married to Ruth, who is originally from Co. Armagh and a chartered accountant by training. They have a five year old daughter, who has recently started at Billis NS.

Mark has a passion for good engaging preaching, for visiting and spending time with individuals, for children’s and youth work, and for reaching out into the community with the good news of the Lord Jesus. He also enjoys playing and watching sport, running, reading and putting together Disney Princess Lego with his daughter! Mark and Ruth love people and are looking forward to their home in Ballyjamesduff continuing to be a place of hospitality, friendship and fellowship!

Revd Mark will be instituted as the Rector of the Kildrumferton Group of Parishes on Sunday 13th April at 4.00pm in Ballymachugh. Everyone is very welcome to attend.

Don’t forget! Next Steps deadline coming up on 31st March

The Church of Ireland Youth Department’s Next Steps Fund exists to encourage more and more young people – and current youth leaders – to undertake third level professional qualifications and development within the wider youth ministry sector.

Our aim is to support many young people and adults with a significant impact on the youth ministry and wider ministry across the Church of Ireland.  The next closing date for applications is Monday, 31st March.

“CIYD’s Next Steps programme has had a number of very grateful recipients thus far and we would love to see more – this is why the fund exists,” National Youth Officer Simon Henry says.

Vocational training and development in youth ministry is so essential and its impact on the Church can last for generations to come.

Could this Next Steps programme benefit you or someone you know? We would love to see more and more people undertake professional qualifications and development in youth ministry and this support available could encourage those who otherwise would feel challenged in the current financial climate.

Please forward the following link, which includes application forms, to those who you think may benefit from this funding opportunity and share widely:

Webinar, 27th March: Anti-Racist Work in Church of Ireland Dioceses and Parishes

As part of Ireland’s Anti-Racism Month, the Primate’s Reference Group on Ethnic Diversity, Inclusion and Racial Justice invites you to join us for a webinar discussion on using the Irish Council of Churches’ toolkit for anti-racist work in our dioceses and parishes.

All are welcome – clergy, lay leaders, and parishioners alike. 

Discussion panel: The Archbishop of Armagh, the Most Revd John McDowell, with Rev Eileen Cremin, Rev Maithrie White, Rev Jenu John, Rev Philip McKinley and Dr Lucy Michael and other guests

New Date: Thursday 27 March

Time: 8.00-9.00 pm

Location: Online (link to be provided upon registration)

The ‘From Every Nation’ handbook provides practical guidance for faith communities committed to racial justice, inclusion, and diversity. This session will explore how we can use the toolkit to create welcoming, equitable, and actively anti-racist church spaces.

  • Download the handbook for free here.


  • Register now to secure your place.


Emergency appeal supports communities affected by conflict in Congo

Over 3,000 people killed and 400,000 displaced in upsurge in fighting

 Disturbed by the horrific news reports coming out of Eastern Congo, CMS Ireland has been connecting often with its partners there in recent weeks.  Bishop Martin Gordon of Goma Diocese fled over the border with his family in the first few days of the conflict, when Goma was under fire. And in recent days Bishop Bahati, of Bukavu Diocese, has also been forced to flee with his family. Those left behind, including CMSI partners in Kindu and North Kivu Dioceses, are living in fear of the progress of rebels towards their areas, and are already impacted by food shortages and restricted movement.

As a first-line response, CMSI held an emergency Zoom prayer event in collaboration with other mission agencies primarily involved in DRC. Both the Archbishop of Congo, the Most Revd Georges Titre Ande, and the Bishop of Goma gave their understanding of the situation on the ground, and presented points for prayer and action. You can find out more about the situation in Eastern DRC from the information they shared in the following article:

CMSI hopes to inspire many to pray and give financial support for the church in Goma, Bukavu, Butembo and Kindu Dioceses, because it is our beleaguered brothers and sisters who must be the lights of hope amongst the chaos and distress.

Please pray for people of peace to come to places of influence in the nations involved.  If you would like to give to the CMSI DRC Emergency Appeal, you can do so at the following link:

A gift towards the emergency fund will enable the church in Eastern DRC to meet the needs of those who are coming in desperation asking for help with food and other household essentials. Each diocese will prioritise the most vulnerable families first, and CMSI will continue to send any funds which are given in response to this emergency appeal.

Cavan Christian Women’s Conference 2025: Alive in Christ

We are delighted to announce that bookings are open for this year’s Cavan Christian Women’s conference. ALL women are warmly invited!

Who is the speaker and what’s it about?
We’ll have three talks from the Bible book of Ephesians on being ‘Alive in Christ’.

Our speaker is Philomena Fitzpatrick, Youth Worker at Ballycullen Community Church near Tallaght, Dublin. With a background including teaching and musical theatre, we are looking forward to Philomena vividly sharing God’s word with us, as well as the wonderful story of how she came to know Christ for herself.

When and where is it?
Saturday 1st March 09:30-13:30
Cavan Crystal Hotel H12 P6E5
Doors open at 08:45 and there is an optional lunch in the hotel after 13:30

How much is it and how do I book?
This year the conference is €11 and the optional lunch remains €14.95.

For a variety of reasons, this year we are using an online booking system which includes taking payment in advance.

Please click HERE to book your tickets

Vacancy: SAMS Ireland Mission Director

The General Council of the South American Mission Society (SAMS) Ireland wishes to appoint a Mission Director. We are looking for someone who has experience of mission and evangelism and is:

  • enthusiastic and creative
  • gifted in Church leadership
  • an effective communicator
  • a committed team player

The SAMS Ireland office is located in Lurgan, County Armagh, and the role of Mission Director has a salary linked to the rate paid to a Church of Ireland Rector.

SAMS Ireland is a registered charity and a member of SAMS International. SAMS Ireland works in partnership with the Anglican Church in South America, focusing on the proclamation of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and the growth of the Church throughout the world, but primarily in South America, Spain & Portugal.

More information about the work of SAMS Ireland can be found on our website

The closing date for applications is noon on Tuesday 4th March 2025.

For further information and an Application Pack please contact:

Rev Peter Jones
Chairperson of SAMS Ireland 1 Woodford Manor, Newtownabbey,
Co. Antrim.
BT36 6FF

[email protected]

CFM Spring 2025 Newsletter

We’re bouncing into Spring this weekend with our latest Newsletter, with ideas for Valentines Day, Lent and Easter.

View it as an online magazine by clicking here:

Or you can download the PDF here:

Annagh Social Farm receives funding from the 2024 Black Santa Appeal

DKEA warmly congratulates Simon and Jennifer Bullock from Annagh Social Farm, Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh who have been awarded funding from the 2024 Black Santa Appeal. It was with great excitement that the Bullock’s attended the Good Samaritan service at Belfast Cathedral this Sunday 2nd February to accept their donation from the appeal.

This year was the 48th annual Black Santa Appeal, where the Dean of Belfast Cathedral, together with the Canons and clergy of the Cathedral sit-out on the steps of St Anne’s Cathedral to raise money in support of Christian Aid and other small charities in Northern Ireland.

The funds which Simon and Jennifer Bullock have been awarded will go towards ongoing restoration works to Annagh House and Barns Aughnacloy, Co. Tyrone. When restored these buildings will provide supported living/ respite facilities for those with a learning disability.

Bishops’ Appeal encourages prayer for ceasefire to hold and continued support for Middle East appeal

Bishops’ Appeal has encouraged members of the Church to pray that the ceasefire arrangements agreed between Israel and Hamas would hold and lead to a more lasting peace after they take effect.  This follows a welcome from Archbishop John McDowell and Archbishop Michael Jackson yesterday (Thursday, 16th January) for the announcement of a proposed ceasefire and release of hostages.

The appeal for the Middle East, organised by Bishops’ Appeal on behalf of the Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem and Tearfund, continues to be open for donations, which will be shared equally between the two organisations to support vital humanitarian work. The Diocese of Jerusalem covers Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon and Tearfund partners are present across the region.

Readers can find out how to give online, by bank transfer, or in other ways at

The full joint statement from the archbishops is as follows:

‘This represents a fragile moment of opportunity, with the prospect of an end to the war in Gaza and the release of all hostages.  We pray for blessing on peace-makers in every community in the Middle East who build bridges and reconcile relationships between those divided by conflict.

‘Beyond every number mentioned in reports of casualties in the region is an individual human being made in the image of God with value and dignity, regardless of their nationality or background.  The needs of people who mourn or who have been displaced and injured must be foremost in our thoughts and prayers at this time.

‘We hope that this development will lead to a just and lasting peace, the full supply of humanitarian aid to relieve extreme suffering now, and the healing of physical and mental wounds.  This requires leadership which relentlessly pursues a desire for peace, over and above any lesser gain, for the well-being of the people who live in the lands in which Our Lord found his earthly home.’

Introduction to Youth Mental Health

Invitation to Zoom event with CIYD (Monday, 20th January)

 The Church of Ireland Youth Department (CIYD) is running an online introduction to youth mental health next Monday, 20th January, from 7pm to 9pm, which will be delivered by Action Mental Health.

“Mental health and well-being is one of the biggest challenges facing our young people in the modern world,” says CIYD Youth Ministry Development Officer Luke Hawkins, who is organising the event.  “We are thrilled that so many people have already signed up for this free webinar, and hope to provide more like it in the future.”

The Zoom event, funded by the MindMattersCOI mental health awareness programme, is aimed at the parents of teenagers but any youth volunteer or worker, lay person or clergyperson, will also be welcome to attend.  Please go to the following link sign up and find out more.