Young Leaders in Ministry Fund open for applications

Young Leaders in Ministry Fund open for applications

Closing date: Friday, 30th September 2022

As our teenagers and young adults look forward to increasing youth ministry opportunities for 2023, the Church of Ireland Youth Department’s Young Leaders in Ministry Fund is once again open for applications.

The fund is open to young people aged between 15 and 25 years who can demonstrate a current involvement in the Church of Ireland.  It seeks to support training and development courses, mission teams, leadership opportunities and placements that can be shown to:

  1. Significantly develop the faith of the young adult applicant;
  2. Grow the skills of the applicant especially, but not confined to, leadership skills; and
  3. Be of significant use to the ministry of the Church of Ireland in the 12 months following the completion of the opportunity.

The next closing date is Friday, 30th September 2022, and an application form (in PDF format) can be downloaded at this link.

Please send all completed applications by post to: Young Leaders in Ministry Fund, CIYD, Church of Ireland House, 61–67 Donegall Street, Belfast, BT1 2QH, or by email to [email protected]

For any further information or questions, please email [email protected]

Revd. Adam Norris ordained as Priest for Local Ministry in the Sligo Cathedral Group

On Sunday 11th September 2022,  Revd. Adam Norris who was ordained as a Priest for local ministry by Bishop Ferran Glenfield at a service held in St. John’s Cathedral, Sligo. He will be serving in the Sligo Cathedral Group of Churches.

Revd. Adam says that his call to Ordained Ministry originated as a young boy in a Kenyan boarding school that had a very strong Christian ethos. There, a foundation for his faith was laid and has been built upon in fits and starts over the years as he grew up – at times rebelling and then being called back to God. It is over the past 20 or so years that ad opened doors and given him the opportunities to become first a Parish, then Diocesan Reader serving in his own Parish group in Sligo and in the wider Diocese. Speaking of his ordination Revd. Adam says ‘I know in my heart that God has been leading me on that path to Ordained Ministry, a ministry of worship. Jesus said, “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” (Mt 18:20) I know that was not said in the context of worship, but it is in my heart that even if there are only two or three who have gathered for worship, I am ready to enable and to lead that worship because Jesus himself will be among us.

Congratulations to Revd. Adam on his ordination. We pray for him and his family as he continues his ministry.

Revd John Addy is ordained Priest for Local Ministry in the Sligo Cathedral Group

Congratulations to Revd. John Addy who was ordained as a priest for local ministry by Bishop Ferran Glenfield at St. John’s Cathedral, Sligo on 11th September 2022. He will serve principally in the Sligo Cathedral Group of Churches although he also regularly visits churches in the Drumcliffe and Manorhamilton Groups.

John was born in England and worked for many years in the National Health Service and latterly in university management. He took up his current role with The Open University in Belfast in 2003 but spends much of his time in Strandhill, Co. Sligo. His grandfather, William Whittaker, was the Sexton in the former St. John’s Church in Sligo for 33 years and his mother Olive grew up in the adjacent church house until the entire family relocated to England in 1955 and returned in 1985. John has been a frequent holiday visitor since the late 1960s, prior to his coming to live in Ireland nineteen years ago.

John has felt increasing drawn to Christian ministry and over the past nine years has served as a Parish Reader and then as a Diocesan Reader, prior to being ordained Deacon last year.  When opportunities arise, John likes nothing better than long hill or coastal walks, city breaks and enjoys a quiz or a game of pétanque.

We pray for Revd. John as he continues his ministry in our Diocese.

Season of Creation

On Sunday evening 18th September, Canon Mark Lidwell joined Bishop Martin Hayes, Bishop of Kilmore, in an ecumenical prayer event at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick and Saint Felim to celebrate the Season of Creation. The Season of Creation is a worldwide, ecumenical movement which aims to celebrate the joy of creation as well as raise awareness about what is happening to our common home. The prayer event highlighted the concerns about the harmful effects of global warming on our planet and how the poor in the developing world are most affected.

During the event, crocus bulbs were planted on the front lawn of the Cathedral of St Patrick and St Felim. When the bulbs bloom they will spell out the word HOPE. The bulbs were planted by young parishioners to illustrate the need to address the impact of climate change on the next generations.


(L-R) Barbara Lidwell, Tess Jimmy, Rachel Cullivan, Margaret Mulligan, David Mulligan, Bishop Martin Hayes, Canon Mark Lidwell, Dillon Duffy, Grace MacNeill, Conor Gilsenan and Isla Mulligan. Photo by Donal Kilduff. 

A service of Thanksgiving and Reflection for the life of the Queen in Kilmore

A service of thanksgiving and reflection to mark the death of Queen Elizabeth II was held last Sunday, 18th September in St. Fethlimidh’s Cathedral, Kilmore. The congregation who gathered to give thanks for the Queen’s long and devoted life of service to God included clergy and parishioners from across the Diocese of Kilmore, both North and South,  as well as representatives of Cavan County Council.

Preaching from Isaiah chapter 6, Bishop Ferran Glenfield said that in times of transition, change and challenge we need to embrace a vision of God high and lifted up, to acknowledge our need of forgiveness and to live lives for Him. A full transcript of his sermon is available below.

The service ended with two minutes of silence to mourn the passing of Queen Elizabeth and to reflect on her life and legacy. We give thanks for the Queen’s wonderful example of faith and witness.


Below is the Sermon preached by Bishop Ferran Glenfield at the service:

Its lovely to see you this evening in the Cathedral. It’s been a long day for many of us but in these moments of reflection and quiet with in this sacred space we come before the living God and pray; ‘Speak Lord in the stillness as we wait upon you. Hush our hearts to listen with expectancy. For Christs’ sake, Amen’.

One of the most memorable opening lines in all of the bible comes from the book of Isaiah chapter 6. It is in your order of service, you may like to turn to remind yourselves of these memorable words; ‘In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne high and lifted up, the train of his robe filled the temple’. The year in question was 740BC. Uzziah had reigned as the King of God’s people, Judah, a small tribal area in Southern Israel for 52 years. In the estimate of the sacred historian who wrote the 1st and 2nd book of Kings and 1st and 2nd Chronicles in the Old Testament, he was assessed as a good king. Very few of the leaders of God’s people got that accolation. Such continuity and stability in his reign gave the people of God a great hope of stability and reassurance in a very troubled world – the world of the Middle East which is troubled to this very day. Just like the long reign and constancy of Queen Elizabeth. And now, in the words of Isaiah the prophet, Uzziah has gone and his place will know him no more and what will become of his people, the people of God? At this moment of transition, of flux in ancient Judah, Isaiah was given a vision of God. A vision of the King of Kings. The higher power, the one who sits on throne of the universe. What kind of God did Isaiah apprehend? First, a God of splendour. In verses 1-4 we see a God surrounded by angelic beings singing in worship and those voices and the voice of Him on the throne shook the very foundations of the cosmos. The transcendent God is sovereign over all of His creation.

Secondly, Isaiah comprehended a God who saves. In the presence of this transcendent, holy God Isaiah – one of His servants, a spokesperson for God, a royal chaplain for many years to King Uzziah and his successors – was filled with quilt. He was a soiled sinner. A glowing coal was taken from the altar and Isaiah feels on his lips a purging pain and the angel that administers the coal says ‘Your sin is forgiven. Your sin is blocked off. It has been atoned for’. And this guilty sinner stands saved before a holy God, the King of Kings and the Lord of Hosts. Then Isaiah is asked by a God who sends to go to his wayward people with a candid message to turn around and to turn to God lest they come to self-harm and self-destruction.

In this time of change and challenge following the death of the Queen and in our post-pandemic world, we don’t need a reset as people are asking for. We need, above all, a vision of God. Isaiah’s God. The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. We need to respond in faith to this God by acknowledging that He exists and that we owe him everything. Every breath we take, every step we make comes from Him. And we need to acknowledge that He is King and that I do not rule myself and I do not rule others. He reigns over all. We need to admit that, like Isaiah, we are soiled by sin. We are flawed, fickle, failures who need forgiveness that is beyond us and forgiveness that we don’t deserve. Forgiveness that comes only by the grace God through faith in His son, the King, the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to accept God’s candid message that the road we are travelling on leads to self-destruction and to a breakdown of society in the whole of Western culture, this island served God and so did Queen Elizabeth. Her life was exemplary, exceptional. She acknowledged her calling by a higher power and a greater throne, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. She admitted her standing before a Holy God, a sinner in need of forgiveness by His grace. And she accepted God’s candid message by living her life according to God given values of responsibility, of modesty and of graciousness over and against the prevailing tide and values of self-promotion and of self-love which is so rampant in our land and in the lands of the West.

And so this evening, at this momentous point in history, we come to pay our respects to this exceptional monarch and world leader and to share our sadness and our condolences to those who are part of her family and those who knew her as a woman of deep faith and integrity. But this moment will pass and fade into history and nothing will bring great change unless, unless we, like Isaiah, embrace a vision of God sitting on a throne high and lifted up. May we be given the grace and the will so to do for Christ’s sake. Amen


A Statement from Bishop Ferran Glenfield following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

The death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth marks the end of an extraordinary life and era.

The Queen was known the world over for her exceptional sense of duty and selfless service. The well spring for her long reign was her deep Christian faith expressed in love. She loved and was loved in return by so many people.

On behalf of the pastors and people of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh, I offer condolences and prayers for the Royal Family and the people of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth.

Church Army Discovery Day

Church Army are hosting a Discovery Day Event on Saturday the 8th October. If you are interested in exploring mission and ministry within Church Army then why not come along to The Church of Ireland Theological Institute to find out more about training with the Church Army.

For more info please see:

RUN4CHRIST: Revd. Alastair Donaldson runs from Malin Head to Mizen Head

On Friday morning, Revd. Alastair Donaldson (Rector of the Kinawley& Holy Trinity Group of Parishes) finished a 760km run from Malin Head, the most Northerly point of Ireland to Mizen Head, the most southerly point as part of his Run4Christ evangelistic running initiative. The run began on the 1st July and will included 24 running days and 4 rest days.

Run4Christ combines Revd. Alastair’s twin passions of running and evangelism. The aim of Run4Christ is to share the good news of Jesus with the people of Ireland. In 2013, when Revd. Alastair was 31, he ran approximately 1298 miles around the circumference of Ireland. Many lessons were learned during that time but it was also a time of great blessing. This year, Revd. Alastair has reached the ripe old age of 40. While he has regularly run marathons and ultramarathons, its fair to say that it hasn’t gotten any easier! He is very grateful to the team of van drivers, physios, runners and prayers who supported him on the way as well as for the many friends and churches who supported with practical needs like accommodation and meals.

If you would like to find out more info on Rev. Alastair month long adventures head over to  ‘Run4Christ Ireland’ on facebook.


Kingdom Voices Week 8-15 August

In August 2022, CMSI and SAMS Ireland will host 36 global church leaders from Africa, South America and Nepal for a one-week programme, following the Lambeth Conference. The Kingdom Voices week will provide an opportunity to engage with inspirational church leaders around the world. It is an opportunity for God’s people to worship together across cultures, to pray for one another’s ministries, and to be refreshed in God’s call to service in the places to which we have each been called.  We hope  the Kingdom Voices week will strengthen bonds across the global church empowering us all for mission and ministry in our own local communities.

In addition to spending time with link parishes and supporters, our global guests will contribute to three events that CMSI and SAMS Ireland are jointly hosting:

  1. On Wednesday 10th August, a day conference for Church Of Ireland leaders.

Kingdom Voices: Learning From The Global Church, the main aims of the event are:

  • To provide an opportunity for engaging together as leaders within the worldwide Church.
  • To hear from – and learn from – the practical experiences of our Global Partners.
  • To explore God’s Word together as we consider our shared calling to mission and to seeing God’s Kingdom Come in our own communities.


The event will take place between 10am and 4pm in St Donard’s, Belfast. Booking essential


  1. Friday 12th August, a Multicultural Evening Celebration Service in St Anne’s Cathedral, 7.30pm.

An open event for all who want to join with our global visitors for a time of worship and sharing. An opportunity to celebrate the richness in our worldwide family of faith.

  1. Saturday 13th August,a Family Fun Day in Lady Dixon Park, 2-4.30pm.

An informal afternoon to meet our global guests with activities for all ages. African Warriors acrobatics troupe, bouncy castle, BBQ, Irish dancing and more!


An urgent appeal for accommodation

Offers sought of properties to accommodate Ukrainian refugees

Members of the Church of Ireland are being encouraged to give urgent consideration as to how they can provide accommodation for people fleeing war in Ukraine.  This appeal for help is being made further to consultation with the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY), which manages short-term accommodation needs, in light of the current shortage of accommodation and the need to sustain the momentum for the long run on behalf of people who have lost everything at home.

Anyone who owns or knows of buildings in good or habitable repair for immediate use which could accommodate groups of Ukrainian refugees is asked to contact DCEDIY directly at: [email protected]  

Buildings should preferably have communal cooking facilities that can be used by residents so they are not dependent on provided food. People coming from Ukraine are currently being housed in a wide range of properties, including hotels, guesthouses and B&Bs, hostels, self-catering accommodation, former nursing homes, and repurposed buildings.  Student accommodation is currently housing around 4,500 people but will need to be returned to its main purpose from August onwards.

Each local authority has a Community Response Forum which is co-ordinating efforts at the local level. All parishes are also encouraged to contact their Community Response Forum to see how they can support people through the next steps in their journey and to help them integrate with the communities in which they find themselves.  Each forum will know best about the needs that exist locally which may, for example, include good quality clothing, bicycles, or offers of transport to help people resettling in more remote accommodation to connect with local support hubs or to attend appointments.

The Department has commended and welcomed the initiatives of Church of Ireland parishes and other organisations around the State for all their generosity to date in response to the crisis.

The chairperson of the Church of Ireland’s Church and Society Commission (CASC), Archbishop Michael Jackson, said the warmth of our welcome is very important, especially for children who make up one in three of the people arriving in Ireland from Ukraine. Many children arriving from Ukraine are unaccompanied.

“The Department has asked for our assistance in this urgent matter which comes at a time when our entire country is struggling to find solutions to a housing and accommodation crisis,” Archbishop Jackson stated.

He added: “I encourage people to embrace this need as an opportunity to develop an ever-expanding understanding of neighbourliness. General Synod passed a motion in May urging Standing Committee to work with parishes and dioceses to identify ways to help those affected by the housing crisis. The reality now is that people from Ukraine have been sleeping on airport floors and are being accommodated in tents in today’s Ireland. I encourage anyone who knows of any suitable buildings to contact DCEDIY. While this appeal is specific to people coming from Ukraine, I encourage you not to forget others coming to Ireland as refugees and those who are homeless in our own society at this time.”


How many people have arrived in Ireland from Ukraine?

As at 19 July, from the outbreak of the war in Ukraine on 24 February this year:

  • Over 40,000 people fleeing the conflict in Ukraine arrived in Ireland; and
  • Over 30,000 sought accommodation from the State.

Around 400 contracts are in operation to provide accommodation to Ukrainian people who are receiving protection as refugees from the conflict.  The capacity of this accommodation, as of the end of June, was around 22,500 beds.  This figure includes around 4,500 beds in student accommodation.


Who is co-ordinating Ireland’s response?

The Government’s Ukrainian Crisis Temporary Accommodation Team (at DCEDIY) is focused on providing temporary accommodation to refugees from Ukraine, and is collaborating with all relevant government departments and agencies, local authorities, charities and the private sector to ensure that people are provided with accommodation on arrival, and to help to find and receive the support that they require.

This cross-government response is being supported by a Community Response Forum in each county or city; these fora were first developed to help local communities respond to the needs of particularly vulnerable people during the Covid-19 pandemic.  In the current context, these enable organisations to work together at a local level to provide the appropriate assistance and support, and to guide our new neighbours to other services in their communities.


Community Response Forum Contact Details

Carlow County Council [email protected]
Cavan County Council [email protected]
Clare County Council [email protected]
Cork City Council [email protected]
Cork County Council [email protected]
Donegal County Council [email protected]
Dublin City Council [email protected]
Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council [email protected]
Fingal County Council [email protected]
Galway City Council [email protected]
Galway County Council [email protected]
Kerry County Council [email protected]  
Kildare County Council [email protected]
Kilkenny County Council [email protected]
Laois County Council [email protected]
Leitrim County Council  [email protected]
Limerick City and County Council [email protected]
Longford County Council [email protected]
Louth County Council [email protected]
Mayo County Council [email protected]
Meath County Council [email protected]
Monaghan County Council [email protected]
Offaly County Council [email protected]
Roscommon County Council [email protected]
Sligo County Council [email protected]
South Dublin County Council [email protected]   
Tipperary County Council [email protected]  
Waterford City and County Council [email protected]  
Westmeath County Council [email protected]
Wexford County Council [email protected]
Wicklow County Council [email protected]


Information provided by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth