The Saint Patrick’s Confession Project

There are lots of legends and misconceptions about who Saint Patrick was and what his mission was. However, we are privileged to have the real Patrick preserved for us in his own words in two writings: his ‘Confessio’ and his ‘Epistle to Coroticus’, both of which are readily accessible (

To celebrate Patrick and the biblical Gospel he believed and preached, and also to make people — young and old — more familiar with the truth about him and the Lord he served, over 30 young people from the majority of parishes in the Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh recorded themselves reading a section of the Confession (based on the translation by Pádraig McCarthy and published by the Royal Irish Academy, as found at The completed video will be available to watch (from 7 pm on 16th March) at this link:

This video was created for Saint Patrick’s Day 2021, when, in the midst of continuing Covid-19 restrictions, the usual events and celebrations for this day cannot happen. We hope that it will be an encouragement to all who watch it, and that they, like Patrick, will know personally the difference the Lord makes to those in difficult circumstances.

A Joint Statement to the Members of the Church of Ireland from the Archbishop of Armagh and the Archbishop of Dublin

Love our neighbour • Protect our communities

The Archbishops of the Church of Ireland have issued the following statement in support of the Covid-19 vaccination programmes in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland:

‘We encourage all Church of Ireland members to take up the opportunity offered by the Covid-19 vaccination programmes currently being rolled out across the island of Ireland.  We believe, as Christians, that it is our civic obligation and duty to serve others and to love our neighbours as ourselves.

‘Vaccination against Covid-19 helps to protect individuals in our communities by preventing and reducing illness and death caused by the virus.  In the past, vaccines have made a significant difference in society, and they continue to do so.  The Covid-19 vaccines are already bringing hope and a possibility of a return to relative normality, and should be made available globally as a priority. 

‘The Church of Ireland has, throughout the pandemic, advocated following public health advice from trusted sources, including the Health Service Executive in the Republic of Ireland and Health and Social Care services in Northern Ireland.  All who have questions about vaccination are encouraged to consult those sources of information and discuss their questions with health professionals.’

Revd. Mark Smith appointed to the Kildrumferton Group of Parishes

The Revd. Mark Smith has been appointed as Bishop’s Curate of the Kildrumferton Group in the Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh. Mark has previously been serving as Curate in the parish of Holy Trinity, Frogmore (just south of St Albans over in England) since 2017, and had several years working for a church in London in a lay capacity before that. 

Mark is married to Ruth, a chartered accountant by training, but currently working full time as a Mum, looking after their 16 month old daughter, Martha. Ruth is originally from the other side of Castleblayney and so is looking forward to moving back to a good Irish border county after a longer-than-expected stint in England!

This is obviously a somewhat difficult time to be moving country and to be beginning ministry in a new place. But Mark is nevertheless very much looking forward to getting to know the parishioners, community and schools in the local area; and throwing himself into life both within the churches and beyond.

Mark has a passion for good engaging preaching, for visiting and spending time with individuals, for children’s and youth work, and for reaching out into the community with the good news of the Lord Jesus. He also enjoys playing and watching sport, reading and watching a good box set. Mark and Ruth love people and are looking forward to their home in Ballyjamesduff being a place of hospitality, fellowship and friendship (when restrictions permit!)

Daily Worship App

The Church of Ireland has launched a new Daily Worship app which brings content from the Book of Common Prayer and the Bible to your smartphone by presenting their content in one place, including readings and liturgies for each day of the year.

Essay competition on inter-faith dialogue

The Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue is highlighting a World Council of Churches essay-writing competition for young people (aged under 30) with a closing date of 15 March.  More information is available HERE

Video Series on Daniel

Luke Hawkins, Chaplain of Wilson’s Hospital School has created this series of seven studies from the book of Daniel. They are a wonderful reminder that God is in control in the midst of chaos and uncertainty.


Bishops’ Appeal: Wander and wonder with #Connect4Creation

The Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal for World Aid and Development is encouraging parishes across the island to take part in its #Connect4Creation project for Lent 2021.  This initiative helps members of the Church to connect with God, who is in our midst, and with their surroundings and the natural world.

#Connect4Creation provides activities for taking time to learn about the wonder of bees, doing simple actions to support them, and getting involved in supporting communities and bees across the world.

Christian Aid, a Bishops’ Appeal partner agency, is working in communities in Zimbabwe where bee–hives form a crucial part of complex, flourishing ecosystem that contains bees, crops, woodlands and people – each needing to play their part for the flourishing of the whole.  The resource has also been put together with help from Eco–Congregation Ireland and Muddy Church.

Locally, parishioners can plant flowers to increase the number of habitats for pollinators, make bee hotels, and explore their local areas, using specially designed Muddy Bee Trail prompt cards full of interesting facts and Bible verses to help you wander and wonder this Lent.

Actions that can help to focus on global issues include fundraising (it costs around €67/£60 to fund the building of a bee–hive in Zimbabwe), prayer, and creating crafts, a bee trail, or honeycomb crunchie bars, which can help as a fundraiser too.  Donations can be saved up and sent in after the end of Lent – see for options for bank details and how to increase the value of what you give through Gift Aid or charitable tax relief.

Have a great time exploring God’s creation over these next few weeks as spring starts and the days get longer.  And feel free to share how you’re getting on with the hashtag #Connect4Creation.



Click here for the #Connect4Creation Lenten Focus resource here


Click here for the #Connect4Creation Muddy Bee Trail and QR codes

Day of Prayer for Young People and Youth Ministry

The annual Church of Ireland Youth Department (CIYD) Day of Prayer for Young People & Youth Ministry — designated for the Sunday before Lent — takes place this year on Sunday 14th February. More information can be found at this link:
As in previous years, people are asked to mark this day by praying (and encouraging others to pray) in some way. A few years ago CIYD produced a booklet including prayers which might be useful, which is now available as a PDF. If you would like a copy by email, please get in touch with Damian at [email protected]
In the week leading up to the Day of Prayer, some brief videos aimed at young people on the topic of prayer and different ways to approach it will be made available through diocesan social media channels. Please direct any young people you know to these, and share them as you wish.
Finally, on the day itself, at 7:30 pm, there will be a diocesan gathering for prayer on Zoom. This is in place of the ‘in-person’ gatherings we have had in the past. All are welcome, including young people themselves and those who would like to pray for them. It will last no more than 1 hour, and no one will be put on the spot to pray aloud! If you would like to attend or find out more, please contact Damian at [email protected].

The Cavan Christian Women’s Conference: Trust in Troubling Times – 6th Feb

This year’s Cavan Women’s Conference will take place live online from 10am -12pm Saturday 6th Feb on their facebook page: Cavan Christian Women’s Conference

Here is a video to give you a taste of what is to come:

SAMS Ireland announces Friday Night Live Facebook Video Premier

On Friday 5th February, the South American Mission Society (SAMS) Ireland will video premier their annual evening conference ‘Friday Night Live’ on line. Friday Night Live gathers together supporters of SAMS Ireland for an evening of encouragement in mission.

The event can be viewed here: www.facebook/samsireland1 from 7.30pm on Friday 5th Feb.

The event will include contributions from church partners in South America as well as local stories of mission and inspiration.

Speaking about the event, SAMS Ireland Mission Director Rev Stephen McElhinney said:

Even though it’s been a difficult year for everyone, this February our prayer is that Friday Night Live will once again bring us hope and encouragement with the Global perspective on mission. This year we have even more connection with the South American church, many of whose members will be able to join us on-line for the first time

Many people have been able to contribute to the video premier event. We are especially delighted that Rev. Ronald Irene from Asuncion, Paraguay will lead us to reflect on prayer and the theme: TIES in the Gospel – To -Thank, Inform, Encourage and Support. We will welcome Bishops Raphael (Bolivia) and Daniel (Uruguay) as well as hear from Anglican Church community leaders in remote areas such as the North Argentine Chaco region.”

‘TIES in the Gospel’ will be the central theme of this service, reflecting on the message of Colossians 4:3-6

Friday Night Live will initially be launched as a Facebook Premier Video, which can be viewed at 7.30pm on Friday 5th Feb. The video of the full event will be available on other platforms following the premier.

To find out more about Friday Night Live , visit the SAMS Ireland website :