Bishops’ Appeal: Wander and wonder with #Connect4Creation

The Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal for World Aid and Development is encouraging parishes across the island to take part in its #Connect4Creation project for Lent 2021.  This initiative helps members of the Church to connect with God, who is in our midst, and with their surroundings and the natural world.

#Connect4Creation provides activities for taking time to learn about the wonder of bees, doing simple actions to support them, and getting involved in supporting communities and bees across the world.

Christian Aid, a Bishops’ Appeal partner agency, is working in communities in Zimbabwe where bee–hives form a crucial part of complex, flourishing ecosystem that contains bees, crops, woodlands and people – each needing to play their part for the flourishing of the whole.  The resource has also been put together with help from Eco–Congregation Ireland and Muddy Church.

Locally, parishioners can plant flowers to increase the number of habitats for pollinators, make bee hotels, and explore their local areas, using specially designed Muddy Bee Trail prompt cards full of interesting facts and Bible verses to help you wander and wonder this Lent.

Actions that can help to focus on global issues include fundraising (it costs around €67/£60 to fund the building of a bee–hive in Zimbabwe), prayer, and creating crafts, a bee trail, or honeycomb crunchie bars, which can help as a fundraiser too.  Donations can be saved up and sent in after the end of Lent – see for options for bank details and how to increase the value of what you give through Gift Aid or charitable tax relief.

Have a great time exploring God’s creation over these next few weeks as spring starts and the days get longer.  And feel free to share how you’re getting on with the hashtag #Connect4Creation.



Click here for the #Connect4Creation Lenten Focus resource here


Click here for the #Connect4Creation Muddy Bee Trail and QR codes

Day of Prayer for Young People and Youth Ministry

The annual Church of Ireland Youth Department (CIYD) Day of Prayer for Young People & Youth Ministry — designated for the Sunday before Lent — takes place this year on Sunday 14th February. More information can be found at this link:
As in previous years, people are asked to mark this day by praying (and encouraging others to pray) in some way. A few years ago CIYD produced a booklet including prayers which might be useful, which is now available as a PDF. If you would like a copy by email, please get in touch with Damian at [email protected]
In the week leading up to the Day of Prayer, some brief videos aimed at young people on the topic of prayer and different ways to approach it will be made available through diocesan social media channels. Please direct any young people you know to these, and share them as you wish.
Finally, on the day itself, at 7:30 pm, there will be a diocesan gathering for prayer on Zoom. This is in place of the ‘in-person’ gatherings we have had in the past. All are welcome, including young people themselves and those who would like to pray for them. It will last no more than 1 hour, and no one will be put on the spot to pray aloud! If you would like to attend or find out more, please contact Damian at [email protected].

The Cavan Christian Women’s Conference: Trust in Troubling Times – 6th Feb

This year’s Cavan Women’s Conference will take place live online from 10am -12pm Saturday 6th Feb on their facebook page: Cavan Christian Women’s Conference

Here is a video to give you a taste of what is to come:

SAMS Ireland announces Friday Night Live Facebook Video Premier

On Friday 5th February, the South American Mission Society (SAMS) Ireland will video premier their annual evening conference ‘Friday Night Live’ on line. Friday Night Live gathers together supporters of SAMS Ireland for an evening of encouragement in mission.

The event can be viewed here: www.facebook/samsireland1 from 7.30pm on Friday 5th Feb.

The event will include contributions from church partners in South America as well as local stories of mission and inspiration.

Speaking about the event, SAMS Ireland Mission Director Rev Stephen McElhinney said:

Even though it’s been a difficult year for everyone, this February our prayer is that Friday Night Live will once again bring us hope and encouragement with the Global perspective on mission. This year we have even more connection with the South American church, many of whose members will be able to join us on-line for the first time

Many people have been able to contribute to the video premier event. We are especially delighted that Rev. Ronald Irene from Asuncion, Paraguay will lead us to reflect on prayer and the theme: TIES in the Gospel – To -Thank, Inform, Encourage and Support. We will welcome Bishops Raphael (Bolivia) and Daniel (Uruguay) as well as hear from Anglican Church community leaders in remote areas such as the North Argentine Chaco region.”

‘TIES in the Gospel’ will be the central theme of this service, reflecting on the message of Colossians 4:3-6

Friday Night Live will initially be launched as a Facebook Premier Video, which can be viewed at 7.30pm on Friday 5th Feb. The video of the full event will be available on other platforms following the premier.

To find out more about Friday Night Live , visit the SAMS Ireland website :

Opportunities to gain experience in Christian ministry

  • Are you a Christian who has nearly finished College/University?
  • Are you wondering what you’re going to do next year?
  • Would you like to have the opportunity to gain experience in Christian ministry?

In the Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin & Ardagh, we prioritise and invest heavily in our responsibility to pass on our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ to the next generation. As part of this, we are committed to encouraging and equipping young adults for future Christian service (whether in formal ministry or not).

An important part of this has been providing opportunities for young adults to participate in what we call ‘internships’. These are very flexible, and can be structured in a way which works for both parish and intern, but broadly these involve a placement (usually for one year, with potential for extension) in a parish/group of parishes, under the direction of an experienced Minister. The intern would then work with this Minister in this ministry context, and the many experiences that this will involve.

In the past, interns have been involved with leading worship and preaching (with guidance from the Minister); pastoral care; ministry in schools (primary and secondary); and youth & children’s ministry. What the intern would like to focus on being involved in would be agreed with the Minister, based on their experiences and exploration regarding the future.

If the above questions apply to you, may we encourage you to prayerfully consider whether this may be something that the Lord may be calling you to in the future? Please do talk to others as you reflect on this, as well as sharing this opportunity with others who might be interested.

If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact Damian Shorten by email at [email protected] or by phone on (087)2274663.

Eco–Congregation Ireland: Online meet–up

Eco–Congregation Ireland (ECI) is holding an online meet–up on Saturday, 16th January 2021, at 11.00am.  All are welcome!

This online event will be to help share experiences and ideas. There will be input from a congregation that has received its Eco–Congregation Ireland Award, as well as a church on their journey towards its Award.

Participants are welcome to bring their questions about any aspect of their ECI journey, whether that is about getting started, working towards an ECI Award, the ECI Awareness and Endeavour Certificates or hosting the ECI Climate Justice Candle.  If you would like to attend, please email [email protected] to register and to get the Zoom link. 

About Eco–Congregation Ireland

Eco–Congregation Ireland is an initiative of the Irish Inter Church Meeting, and includes members from the Roman Catholic Church, Church of Ireland, Presbyterian Church, Methodist Church and Religious Society of Friends.

Churches’ Refugee Network: launch of ‘God With Us’ worship resource

Join the Churches’ Refugee Network (CRN) at its first meeting of 2021 – on Thursday, 28th January, at 2.00pm – to help mark the launch of ‘God With Us’, a new resource for clergy, preachers, worship leaders and all Christians involved in organising group prayer or discussion on the theme of refugees, migration and sanctuary.

Attendees can register to join by Zoom at this link.

Shared on behalf of the Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue.  The CRN is a programme of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.

CMSI launches appeal after violence In Democratic Republic of the Congo

Following a significant increase in insecurity, violence and mass displacements in the eastern area of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Church Mission Society Ireland (CMSI) has launched an appeal in support of its partners in the region.

Over the past two weeks, CMSI has received updates from a number of its friends and partners in DR Congo, including Bishop Isesomo of North Kivu Diocese. They each shared heart–breaking stories of an upsurge in brutal attacks, killings and kidnappings: unspeakable cruelty unseen by the outside world. These events have seen thousands of people fleeing from their homes in fear. Many have arrived in Butembo town and have come to the Anglican Cathedral for help.

Bishop Isesomo has organised his people to help manage emergency support of food and shelter. Almost 2,000 people have already registered, having arrived footsore in Butembo with nothing. The Church’s resources are limited and there has been precious little assistance from aid agencies or government, so CMSI’s partners have asked for help from the Church of Ireland.

In launching the DRC Appeal, CMSI’s Mission Director, Jenny Smyth, said: “Here is an opportunity to respond in support of the local church as it provides for those seeking help in desperation. As their willing hands work, we can give the funds needed to supply food, pots and pans, blankets, shelter and jerrycans.”

In endorsing the CMSI Appeal, the Rt Revd Ferran Glenfield, Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh and a member of the Church of Ireland Council for Mission, said: “The eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo is one of the most unstable geopolitical regions on earth. CMS Ireland has learned through their partners on the ground of an appalling flare–up of violence which is consuming people and property. They have launched an emergency appeal to help those affected by the recent contagion and I commend this response for your prayers and generosity.”

You can support the DR Congo Appeal via the CMSI website – – or by sending a cheque to CMSI’s offices – at Sir Thomas & Lady Dixon Park, 237 Upper Malone Road, Belfast, BT17 9LA – made payable to ‘CMS Ireland’ and marked ‘DRC Appeal’ on the back.

Advent and Christmas ideas for children and families

Advent and Christmas are special times for all Christians, but especially for young children and their families. To make this time even more special, here are some ideas for parents and children to use to focus on what these seasons are all await. May Immanuel – God with us – bless your homes with a sense of his presence and peace over the coming weeks through doing these activities! 
(Thanks to the Church of Ireland Children’s Ministry Network for their help with these ideas!)