Revd. Richard Waller Commissioned as Mothers’ Union Chaplain

This Sunday the 24th May, Revd. Capt. Richard Waller was commissioned as the new Mothers’ Union Chaplain at a Diocesan Mother’s Union Festival Service held on the Diocese of Kilmore, Elpin and Ardagh Youtube channel.

During the service, Revd. Richard preached on Hebrews 6 vs 19 – We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.  In his address, he reflected that it was this hope that inspired Mary Sumner, the founder of the Mothers’ Union, who was passionate about transforming the home lives of families. He commended the continued work of the Mothers’ Union in seeking to give hope, confidence and support to others.

Revd. Richard is originally from Pudsey near Leeds, Yorkshire but came to this island as a Church Army evangelist on the outreach team at Willowfield church in Belfast. He began training in ordained ministry in 2015 and was appointed as Bishop’s Curate to the Kildallon group of parishes in September 2017.

Crosslinks Summer Series: Love Thy Neighbour

Crosslinks is hosting an online summer series over three evenings in June. We will be encouraged by mission stories from church leaders, supporters, partners and those recently return from the field. Rev Nick Jones will open God’s word for us as we think of how we can ‘Love Thy Neighbour’.

The Summer Series will be premiered on the Crosslinks in Ireland Facebook page on Monday 8th June, Tuesday 9th June and Wednesday 10th June at 7.30pm. For further details contact [email protected] or call 028 9079 6028

Thy Kingdom Come – Global Prayer Event

Find out how you can be part of a global prayer event Thy Kingdom Come from 21st May to 31st May 2020 at

New online class from the CITI: Spirituality for Christian Discipleship

CITI is delighted to announce a new initiative aimed at offering resources for Christian discipleship to lay people. Over four weeks in June, institute staff will offer a one-hour virtual class online.  This four-week course offers resources for your spiritual life and opportunities to learn new practices of Christian discipleship to resource your faith during social distancing.

Weekly meetings through Zoom led by members of CITI’s academic staff will include a presentation and interactive discussion about practices of Christian spirituality and will conclude with an exercise or activity for you to try at home. By gathering, praying and learning with the same group of Christians weekly, you will also receive encouragement and fellowship and offer these gifts to others.

Monday mornings
Beginning 8 June

Email [email protected] to sign up.

When you sign up, you will be given an easy link to enter the online classroom.  The class is free during Covid–19 restrictions but is limited to 25 participants.

8 June: Knowing God: An Invitation to the Journey of Discipleship
Revd Canon Dr Maurice Elliott

15 June: Spirituality in a time of abstinence: lockdown with Mary Magdalene
Dr Brigid Nichols

22 June: Spirituality and Failure: Seeing Ourselves in a New Light
Revd Dr Patrick McGlinchey

29 June: The Psalms: Biblical Company for the Journey of Faith
Dr Katie Heffelfinger

Please share this with friends, fellow parishioners and neighbours who may be interested.

Run and Plant 380

Over the next few weeks Rev. Alastair Donaldson has committed to running 4.5 miles a day to raise money for Irish Church Missions in Dublin. The idea came after a number of races he had signed up for over the next few months had been cancelled because of the Covid-19 restrictions. So to give himself a challenge he decided to remotely run 380km over the months of May and June excluding Sundays.

If you would like to support him financially or run along with him you can find out more info at:


Soul: An online course from Christianity Explored

From next Tuesday, yKea will be running Soul, an online course aimed at teenagers and young adults exploring what it means to be a Christian. Starting from the 21st April, videos from this course by the same people who created ‘Christianity Explored’ will be shared to the yKEA facebook page ( with an opportunity for young people to ask questions and have them answered.


We hope that this course will be an encouragement to our young people. Helping them to become grounded more deeply, through the Spirit in the truth of the Gospel. If you are interested and would like get a digital copy of the handbook and bible study material, please get in touch with Damian Shorten, our Diocesan Youth and Children’s co-ordinator at [email protected].

Church Life during the Covid-19 crisis

One of the casualties of the Covid-19 crisis has been the cancellation of church services and activities operative since St. Patrick’s Day until further notice.

Clergy in the Diocese continue their work of prayer, study and care. Each week

they will say Morning or Evening Prayer in our parish churches by themselves

but for all of us. Parish Churches will be open at certain times for private prayer though we need to keep our social distance. The voice of prayer will not be silent.

Daily prayers and readings are provided on the Church of Ireland website for personal or family use.

Each Sunday until we return to communal worship, a diocesan service will be available  on media platforms for us to share in.  A number of our parishes are also streaming Sunday services. Resources for children and young people will also be made available

Details of where to find these services and resources are on this website here

Clergy have been asked by Bishop Ferran to continue pastoral care but largely from a distance. There are many ways in which they and we all can keep in touch.

Folk in hospital, nursing homes and living alone should not be forgotten.

In the event of funeral services only close family members will be in attendance.

That is going to be very difficult for so many people. Memorial services at a later date when the crisis is past will offer some consolation. There is so much uncertainty and things will change on an almost daily basis. Lines from an African hymn point us to our only hope.


Our only hope is in you Jesus, our only hope is you.

From early in the morning to late at night, our only hope is you.

