Clerical Appointments 2020

  • The Bishop of Clogher, The Right Reverend John Mc Dowell has been elected Archbishop of Armagh in succession to Archbishop Richard Clarke who retired earlier this year, effective from the 28th of April.
  • Archdeacon George Davison, who served as the rector of Derrylin and Archdeacon of Kilmore, will be consecrated as Bishop of Connor on the 1st of May.
  • Reverend Richard Waller has been appointed rector of the Kildallon group of parishes.
  • Reverend Simon Scott has been appointed minister in charge of the Longford group of parishes.

Both institutions will take place later this year once the Covid-19 emergency is past. Do remember these men in your prayers as theyseek to serve the Lord in these new situations.

Church of Ireland Guidance in relation to Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19)

The following advisory guidelines for the Church of Ireland’s response regarding the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) reflect previous advice provided by the Church as a response to pandemic flu.  The guidelines offer a general framework to parishes, subject to further approval or other advice that may be considered appropriate by the diocesan bishop.

  1. Follow all public health guidance provided by state authorities – the Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland ( and the Health Protection Surveillance Centre in the Republic of Ireland (
  2. Physical interaction during services, including the Sign of Peace, should be suspended.  Clergy may choose to give the congregation permission to carry out an alternative Sign of Peace that does not involve hand contact (e.g. a smile, nod or bow) if so wished.  Shaking hands on greeting and departure at religious services/ gatherings should be suspended.  Observe good hand and general hygiene – thorough hand-washing with soap or sanitisers and disposal of tissues.
  3. Stay at home if you feel ill and display influenza-like symptoms.  The symptoms to be aware of in the case of the coronavirus include cough, shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, and fever.  Do not come to church services until you feel well.
  4. The Church’s duty of care extends to members of the clergy.  If you have influenza-type symptoms, do not call the clergy for pastoral visitation.  Pastoral support for parishioners who are unable to attend church services should be provided by telephone or online (e.g. Skype).
  5. Everyone administering Holy Communion should wash their hands or use alcohol-based hand gel before beginning.  Holy Communion should be administered only in one kind (bread) and placed into the hands only and not onto the tongue.  Only the celebrant should drink from the chalice.  Holy Communion is normally received in both kinds separately – bread and wine – but may be received in either kind, and those who are incapable of receiving the sacrament are to be assured that they are by faith partakers of the body and blood of Christ and of the benefits He conveys to us by them (Book of Common Prayer, p.440).  Intinction should be avoided.

Ballymachugh Plough Sunday

For the third year in a row, Saint Pauls, Ballymachugh hosted Plough Sunday – our service of thanksgiving and praise for the farming year to come.

It was a wonderful service of prayers and themes following through the farming year – Plough, Sow, Grow, Reap, Praise and Share. We were joined once again by the local Priest, Father Brady, who opened the service for us. We also were privileged to have the service lead mostly by the teenagers and children of our 3 parishes. At the end of the service, everybody took home a bag of seed to remind us that we are all sowers of God’s word into peoples lives, and that we all have equal opportunity to do that through a smile, a generous act, speaking, and general day to day life.

There was a beautiful chorus of music throughout the building as people arrived, through the service, and as people left. We always find such joy as a congregation when someone takes seat at our organ to play songs of worship.

Once again, the Ballymachugh Plough was positioned at the front of the church, symbolising the all the labour in the fields of the locality. This plough was kindly donated to the church for Plough Sunday a couple of years ago by Louis Leahy whose family used to plough the surrounding lands with that very plough. We hope later in the year to have it permanently mounted and displayed in the church grounds.

Following the service, we held our Children Tractor Run. We were blessed with a lovely window of sunshine for the children to drive their tractors down the lane and back again. The children were delighted with their prizes and goody bags following the tractor run.

Despite the weather, the tractors and vintage vehicles came out in numbers to take part in the annual Ballymachugh Tractor run. We were thrilled to see so many beautiful machines lined up through the church carpark.

On behalf of the people of Saint Pauls, Ballymachugh, we wish to extend a big thank you to all involved in the day. To Father Brady who came to join us once again; to Lorna Walker who came for the 2nd year in a row to sit in granny’s old seat and play the organ for us; to the children and teenagers who helped lead the service; to those who cleaned and decorated the church and grounds before and after; to those involved in stewarding, registration, route planning, and general logistics of the day; to those who donated food, baked goods, and goods for the raffle; to those involved in serving tea and coffee; to those who came along to participate in the day; to Tom Michael and team who so valiantly cooked all the food for after the run; to Alan Coote who so kindly came to do the judging of the vehicles once again; and to all who came with a smile on their face to share in the joys of the day.

We hope that for years to come, this event has and will remain an enjoyable experience that brings us all together for fun and fellowship as a community.

Plough Sunday – Feb 16th – Ballymachugh

Christmas Message from Bishop Ferran

Fifty years ago in the summer of 1969, Neil Armstrong stood on the surface of the moon, the first person to ever do so. The then US President, Richard Nixon responded, ‘the greatest event in human history occurred when man put his foot on the moon.’ Astronaut James Irwin who stood on the moon in 1971 and who became the first person to drive a vehicle on the lunar surface disagreed with the President. ‘ the most significant event in the world is not that man stood on the moon, but that God in Christ stood on the earth.’

That is the meaning of Christmas, God touching down on earth. God’s touchdown in Jesus Christ is what we celebrate at Christmas. It is not just a commemorative celebration but a present reality as we allow Jesus to touchdown in our lives our families, our communities and our land. His touchdown makes all the difference.
May I wish you a very happy Christmas and hopeful New Year.

+ Ferran

Church of Ireland Youth Department Training Day – 16th Jan 2020 – Dunboyne

The Church of Ireland Youth Department together with Missional Generation will be hosting an amazing training day for clergy, school chaplains and youth workers on Thursday 16 January 2020 at the Oak Centre in Dunboyne.

The day is funded through the Comhar Grant which encourages dioceses to work together. The first part of this collaboration with Ben was the Dioceses of Meath & Kildare and Kilmore, Elphin & Ardagh producing an App of a virtual (VR) tour of both Drumcliffe Church and Kildare Cathedral. Ben will explore with us how these resources and many more can be used in youth ministry, school’s work, RE and in our churches. The first twenty people to book will receive a whole host of resources for Ministry.

Kilmore Diocesan Confirmation Day

Kilmore’s first Diocesan Confirmation Day was held on Saturday 9th November 2019 in Killeshandra Church Hall, Co. Cavan. A group of nearly 40 young people (along with clergy and leaders) who are preparing for confirmation at this time joined together to get to know one another and be encouraged in this big step in their journey of faith.

Simon Henry, National Youth Officer of the Church of Ireland Youth Department, was our speaker for three sessions. He spoke to the confirmands about the importance of Confirmation as a public and personal taking on of the promises of their baptism – sharing his own testimony of God in his life growing up in the Church of Ireland. He also shared about prayer and the Bible in an inspiring but also practical way, and concluded by encouraging the teenagers to play their part in the Church, not just before, but after their confirmations. We concluded with a time of worship as we considered our need for the help of the Holy Spirit to believe in and follow Christ each day. The sessions were interspersed with games and breaks, which all helped everyone to relax and get to know each other.

Thank you to Simon and all those who made the day possible, including those who brought the young people and Canon Alison Calvin & Killeshandra Parish for the use of their wonderful hall. A similar day aimed at those in the Elphin & Ardagh part of the diocese, with Simon again as the speaker, will take place on Saturday 7th March 2020 in the Cooper Memorial Hall, Riverstown.

We pray for all young people who are considering or preparing for Confirmation. Make ready their hearts and minds and bring them to a true and lasting faith in you. By the power of your Holy Spirit, help them to live out their confirmation declarations and promises for the rest of their lives, keeping their eyes firmly fixed upon you. Amen. (prayer from CIYD’s ‘Praying for Young People & Youth Ministry’ booklet)


Survey finds that 72% of Cavan people want to know God personally

Survey finds that 72% of Cavan people want to know God personally

A recent survey around Cavan town has found that 72% of people would like to know God personally.
The survey was carried out door to door and on the streets during the last week in September and first week of October by volunteers wearing distinctive blue sweatshirts, drawn from a range of denominations in Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales. They were mobilised by the charity, Through Faith Mission, and came at the invitation of Church of Ireland Bishop Ferran Glenfield of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh.

During the fortnight they were based at the Cavan Royal School and endeavoured to share a simple message of the Christian good news in door to door teams and engaging people in the town centre .The teams visited 891 homes where 128 people completed surveys, another 62 people completing surveys on the street.

The volunteers found that:

  • 61% of people believed in a personal God.
  • 26% believe we return to earth in another form after death
  • 19% believe we all go to heaven
  • 62% believe Jesus is the son of God
  • 10% believe he is a prophet or messenger of God
  • 80% of people have prayed at some time
  • 72% would like to know God personally.

Commenting on the findings, Rev Nick Jones, Rector of the Drung group of parishes, noted: “The survey seems to confirm the well know survey that even the atheist prays when in difficulty, with 80% saying they pray at some point in their life. However only 61% believe in a personal God.

“The most encouraging statistic for me was that 72% of people said that they would like to know God personally and the good news is that we can indeed know Him through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. “He walked this earth 2000 years ago and we have eye witness accounts telling us all about his life, death and resurrection.”  I would love to help anyone who wants to know Him personally, we run a course called Christianity Explored and everyone is welcome to join us, please get in contact if you have questions or would like more information about knowing God personally. We are currently running a Christianity Explored Course in the Ballyhaise Community Centre on Sundays at 4pm, which is open to everyone and where no questions are off limits. Thank-you to everyone for taking part in the survey.”
One of the TFM team leaders, David Bolton, added: “It was a real privilege to serve here in Cavan and our volunteers were so pleased at the warm and courteous welcome we received from almost everyone we met. I would also like to thank everyone who took the time to respond to our survey. We we very much encouraged to find that so many people still believe in a personal God, that Jesus is the only son of God and that so many people pray and are  interested in knowing God personally.”

The short gospel booklet handed out by the team, ‘Knowing God personally’ can be downloaded for free at;-

Further enquiries should be directed to Rev Nick Jones at [email protected]