Mullagh Parish Church celebrates 200 years

Mullagh Church of Ireland in the diocese of Kilmore celebrated its Bicentenary Anniversary on Sunday 15th September 2019 with a Harvest Thanksgiving of praise. The picturesque church on the edge of Mullagh lake was packed full as we gathered together as a parish and as a community to celebrate this special milestone. The service was led by the current rector – Rev. Ian Horner and the lesson was read by Norman Shekleton. Special music guests for the day were the fantastic Belturbet Church Praise band, directed by Rev. Tanya Woods, who lead the worship. The guest preacher was the Rt. Rev. Dr. Ferran Glenfield, Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh who spoke from Acts 2 about the unchanging mission of the church to spread the gospel message far and wide. Following the address Valerie Shekleton led the congregation in prayers of intercession and thanksgiving.

After the service a delicious tea was served in St. Killian’s Heritage Centre. It was a lovely occasion to see friends old and new as we gathered to give thanks for the life and witness of Mullagh Parish Church over the past 200 years. We look forward to being part of God’s ongoing work in this community.



Church of Ireland Priorities Fund Applications

Applications for the Church of Ireland Priorities Fund are now open. The aim of this fund is to support lay and ordained training, Christian education, outreach initiatives and innovative ministry in a rural context. The deadline for applications in the 31st October and more information can be found at

Gathered In in KEA

This Autumn, from 22nd September to 6th Ocotober the Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh will be holding a diocesan-wide harvest celebration entitled ‘Gathered In’. Gathered In will involve harvest services in our parish churches and a variety of events based on harvest themes. Each parish group has been invited to take part in Gathered In. Preachers, singers and guests will join us from across Ireland and Britain as we seek to Gather in the Lord’s Harvest. Ultimately this is God’s work but we have the privilege of being partners with him.

» Click Here to Download the Brochure

Canon David Catterall Retires

Canon David Catterall, Rector of the Longford group of parishes has retired at the end of July after 17 years of service in the parish. David, a scientist by training, prepared for the ordained ministry in Cranmer Hall, Durham in England. He was ordained 40 years ago and served in a number of curacies in Manchester. He then moved to Ireland in 1988 becoming rector of the Fanlobus group of parishes based around Dunmanway in West Cork.

Bishop Ferran writes, ‘I first came across David and his wife Janet while serving in Cork Diocese together almost 30 years ago. David is a most diligent priest whose ministry has been characterised by Christ-like care and compassion. I have spent many dinner times with David, Janet and their family enjoying food and putting the world to right!’

David then became Warden of the Church’s Ministry of Healing which took him across much of Ireland. His wife Janet became the incumbent of the Drung group of parishes in Cavan, which was their introduction to KEA. David became rector of Longford in 2002 and Janet took the neighbouring Mostrim group the same year. David has been Prebendary of Oran in Sligo Cathedral since 2008 and Janet was Prebendary of Mulhuddart in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin from 2005 until her retirement in 2016.

The Catteralls are not moving far, retiring in Longford town. Two of their adult children live in the vicinity and the other is raising a family in the United States.
We wish David God’s richest blessing as he retires from a lifetime of active service. We thank God for David and Janet and pray that they may enjoy rest from their labours.

Alan Williamson commissioned as Church Army Evangelist

This July, Alan Williamson was among six people admitted and commissioned as a Church Army Evangelists by Bishop Jo Bailey-Wells, the Bishop of Dorkin at the Wilson Carlile Centre in Sheffield.

Alan has been working as a Pioneer Evangelist with the Drumcliffe Centre of Mission since its establishment in September 2017. Church Army was established in 1882 by Wilson Carlile with a vision to train ordinary Christian men and women to reach those most in need with the gospel. Church Army currently have three centres on the island of Ireland with plans to establish more. Its vision is for everyone, everywhere to encounter God’s love and be empowered to transform their communities through faith shared in words and action.
Speaking of his work with Church Army Alan says, “I love the fact that my work allows me the privilege of sharing God’s love in a place that I feel truly called. My heart is so encouraged when I seen local people being resourced to share faith in ordinary ways for extraordinary outcomes. To invest and rise up leaders from amongst our nation who have a heart for this land and a heart to share faith well on this land”.

We pray for every blessing on Alan and his family as he continues this exciting work in Sligo.

An evening with Dr. Alia Abboud of LSESD – 6th Sept – Carrick On Shannon

You are Invited
In the middle of the biggest humanitarian crisis of our time stands the Church.

Since the Syrian conflict began in 2011 more than 500,000 people have perished and over 12 million people have been displaced. Countless Syrian families have lost their homes and livelihoods, they have experienced the death or disappearance of a friend or relative, and now face a daily struggle to survive, dependant on the charity of others to meet even their most basic needs.

In their grief and despair, thousands of these Syrian families have turned to the Church for help.

Tearfund Ireland works with partners LSESD in Lebanon to support Syrians affected by the long-running Syrian conflict. Through a network of churches – Anglicans, Baptists, Presbyterians, Orthodox and other Christian communities – we are caring for war-affected Christian and Muslim households.

God is doing an incredible work through His Church in the Middle East. As churches express their faith through love – welcoming strangers, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, protecting and educating children and comforting the grief stricken – they are witnessing lives transformed in remarkable ways. There is an amazing story taking place which you’ll never hear on the news.

We are delighted to invite you to a evening with Dr. Alia Abboud of LSESD where you will find out more about what God is doing through his church in such challenging circumstances.

Dr Abboud is an international speaker and regularly engages with Church and ministry leaders on how the Church can effectively live the gospel within their community.

Where: The Bush Hotel Carrick on Shannon

When: Friday 6th September @ 8pm

Please RSVP to Damian Shorten – [email protected] (for numbers for tea and coffee)

Please feel free to pass on this invitation to others who may be interested.

Walk With Me – Helping young people step closer to Jesus

‘WALK WITH ME is a tool for churches and organisations with a passion to see young people stepping closer to Jesus.
It enables them to support young people, aged 14+, to meet in ones or twos with a committed Christian for an hour every couple of weeks to catch up, discuss the bible, and pray.’ An app as well as online and local support will be provided to help mentors and young people.

If you would be interested in learning more about WALK WITH ME, particularly if you would like to be part of it as a mentor or participant, please contact Damian on [email protected] or check out

Download the Step by Step guide and PowerPoint presentation setting out how it is hoped WALK WITH ME will work, along with a sample postcard to invite people to be involved. If you would like hard copies of these, they are available in a starter pack – let Damian know if you would like to receive one.

Tearfund Global Justice in Youth Work Workshops

The Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin & Ardagh is pleased to host a series of two Global Justice in Youth Work training workshops. They are free, will take place in the Bush Hotel, Carrick-on-Shannon, and lunch will be provided on both days. These are two practical and relevant sessions, aimed at youth leaders, but open to anyone interested in justice issues. Places are limited to 15 participants so, if interested, please contact Damian as soon as possible. Places will be filled on a first come, first served basis.