Ordination of David Moses

Last Sunday evening 9th September, Revd. David Moses was ordained as a Prebyter in the Church of Ireland by Rt. Revd. Ferran Glenfield, the Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh in St Fethlimidh’s Cathedral, Kilmore.

Rev. David Moses has been appointed as Bishops Curate to the Drumgoon Group of Parishes (Cootehill, Ashfeld, Dernakesh and Killesherdoney). He is married to Catherine and they have three grown up children; Sarah, Rachel and Jonathan. In the past year David has been Deacon Intern in the parish group of Monaghan, Tydavnet and Kilmore, working with the rector, Canon Ian Berry. Before beginning his training for ordained ministry he was a sheep and pig farmer. He also served as a Diocesan Lay Reader in Armagh Diocese for 27 years.

During the service, readings were given by Sarah Cathers (Armagh Diocesan Reader), Muriel Treacy (Parish Reader from the Monaghan Group) and Audrey Reilly (Kilmore Diocesan Reader from the Drumgoon Group) representing the churches that have supported Rev. David on his journey to ordained ministry. Archbishop Masimango Katanda, Primate of the Anglican Church of the Congo was also in attendance.

Canon Ian Berry gave the Address at the service of Ordination. In his sermon he encouraged the congregation with a phrase which has struck him from Acts 27 vs 23 – the God to whom I belong and serve’. He spoke of how these wonderful and challenging words speak of the Christian’s closeness to God, they way in which God is at work in the lives of Christians and of the purpose that God has for his people.

A service of welcome will take place for Rev. David Moses on Friday 15th September at 7:30pm in Drumgoon (Cootehill) Church of Ireland.
We pray that the Lord blesses Revd. David and their families as he begins his new role in the Diocese.


Dean Nigel Crossey, Canon Ian Berry, Archbishop Masimango Katanda (Primate of the Anglican Church of the Congo), Revd. David Moses, Bishop Ferran Glenfield, The Ven. Craig McCauley

Revd. David with his wife Catherine and three children, together with Archbishop Masimanga Katanda and Bishop Ferran Glenfield.

Damian Shorten appointed as KEA Diocesan Youth and Children’s Co-ordinator

This Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh has appointed Damian Shorten as the new Diocesan Youth and Children’s Co-ordinator for Elphin and Ardagh. The aim of this role is to support individual Parish groups and other Diocesan organisations as they nurture and foster Christian faith development in children and young people in the Diocese.

Talking about Damian’s appointment Bishop Ferran writes, “ Since we learned that Marian Edwards was leaving her role as one of our children and youth coordinators to take up a new position in Ballina over the summer, we have been praying and searching for someone to fill her shoes. I am delighted that Damian Shorten is to take up the role. Damian will continue to be the part-time lay pastor for the Riverstown Group of parishes and combine it with covering the Ardagh part of the diocese, working with schools and training and encouraging Sunday school leaders and Youth Leaders. Damian is well qualified for the role and I believe he is an answer to our prayers .”

Damian says: ‘I am delighted to have been given this opportunity of wider ministry in the Dioceses of Elphin & Ardagh. I look forward to working with leaders in our parishes, both ordained and lay, along with teachers, to encourage and support them in their vital work with the children and young people they have contact with. In all this, it is my hope that more and more children and teenagers come to trust in and live for the true God revealed in Jesus Christ, whom to know is eternal life and whom to serve is perfect freedom. Please do pray for me, my wife Amy, and son Arthur as we adjust to this new venture, and for the Spirit’s enabling to do it to God’s glory.’

We thank God for the valuable role that Damian will play in supporting youth and children’s ministry in Kilmore and Elphin and Ardagh and we pray that God will bless this ministry and build His Kingdom throughout our diocese.

Manorhamilton Wedding Dress Festival

Rev. David Moses appointed to the Drumgoon Group of Parishes

Rev David Moses has been appointed Bishop’s Curate for the Drumgoon group of parishes – Cootehill, Ashfeld, Dernakesh and Killesherdoney.

David, from Omagh, Co Tyrone, has just completed his theological training at the Church of Ireland Theological Institute in Dublin. He is married to Catherine and they have three children, Sarah (22), Rachel (20) and Jonathan (17).

David has been a Diocesan Lay Reader in Armagh Diocese for the past 27 years. Before commencing training for ordained ministry he was a sheep farmer, and also kept pigs until 2001.

For the past year David has been Deacon Intern in the parish group of Monaghan, Tydavnet and Kilmore, working with the rector, Canon Ian Berry. This has been a very positive and enjoyable experience for him as he got to know the members of the congregations and helped each Sunday in the services.

David was very pleased to be appointed Bishop’s Curate for the Drumgoon group. He would like to thank the members of the parishes whom he met when he and other prospective curates were given a tour of the churches a few weeks prior to his appointment. The people he met demonstrated a great commitment to their churches and David is very much looking forward to getting to know the congregations as he works among them over the forthcoming curacy.

David will be ordained as presbyter at a service in Kilmore Cathedral on Sunday 9th September at 4.00pm. Everyone is very welcome to attend.

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Taunagh Parish Church, Riverstown, Co. Sligo 200th Anniversary Celebrations 17th to 19th August 2018

Please join us for this very special weekend of events, including:

Festival of Flowers and Memorabilia
in Taunagh Parish Church and the Cooper Memorial Hall
Friday 17th August: 10 am to 8 pm
Saturday 18th August: 10 am to 5 pm
€5 entry €5 (tea/coffee, sandwich & traybake)
Country & Gospel Music Concert with James Kilbane
Saturday 18th August at 8 pm in Taunagh Parish Church
Tickets: €15
Bicentenary Service of Thanksgiving
Sunday 19th August at 4 pm in Taunagh Parish Church


For more information or to book tickets, contact

Hilda Shaw: 0719167527 0877462896
John Taylor: 0872575581

Scribe on Tour wins Communications Competition Prize

The results of the Central Communications Board’s Communications Competition were announced on the last day of this year’s General Synod in Armagh. We are delighted that the ‘Scribe on Tour’ won a highly commended award in the Diocesan Magazine category. The aim of this competition is to showcase good examples of how printed communication is being used to build Christian community and communicate Christian faith. David Jones was at Synod to collect the award and we would like to recognise the work of Ruth Garvey-Williams and Tara McCormack in producing a fantastic publication that gave us a real flavour of the vitality of church life across the diocese.

David Jones receiving a ‘highly commended’ award in the Church of Ireland Communications competition from Bishop Pat Storey.

Launch of Daily Worship App at General Synod

http://bit.ly/2KOaD5tThe Book of Common Prayer (BCP) was brought into the smartphone era with the launch of the Daily Worship app at this year’s General Synod. The app is an initiative from the Church’s Central Communications Board in close co-operation with the Church’s Liturgical Advisory Committee.  Daily Worship presents Bible readings, prayers, canticles and Services from the BCP in one place and in a simplified format.  These are available for each day of the year, covering five Services: Morning and Evening Daily Prayer, A Late Evening Office, Compline, and Holy Communion. This app aims to help us in our personal and communal prayer lives – bringing us closer together as a church family and to the God whom we worship.

You can download Daily Worship from App Store (https://apple.co/2rv5aYM) and Google Play (http://bit.ly/2KOaD5t) for use on Apple iOS and Android devices – it costs just €1.09/99p.

Job Advert: Youth and Children’s Officer

The Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh

Youth and Children’s Officer

A Diocese seeking to be Christ-Centred, Character Building, Community Transforming

The Bishop of Kilmore wishes to appoint a Diocesan Youth and Children’s Coordinators based in Longford town in the Eastern area of the diocese.

Key Tasks

  • To nurture and foster Christian faith development in children and young people.
  • To train, support and encourage youth and children’s leaders and volunteers.
  • To build relationships with clergy and youth and children’s leaders in order to discern individual Parish group needs.
  • To work with the Diocesan Youth Council and Children’s Ministry Network Co-Ordinator to pioneer Diocesan events.
  • To develop schools work in National Schools throughout the diocese.

For further information please contact

Mrs Sarah Taylor (Diocesan Administrator)

Email: [email protected]

By email to request an application pack.

Applications close at 4pm on Friday 8th June 2018

Statement on the Upcoming Referendum by Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh.

The forthcoming Referendum to change the Eight Amendment of the Irish Constitution has brought the issue of abortion into sharp focus. The debate over abortion is complex and polarized. Those who campaign for a more liberal policy on abortion emphasize the right of the mother- her right to choose. Those opposed to changing the current position in relation to abortion emphasize the rights of the unborn child, especially the right to live. Abortion is an incredibly sensitive and emotive issue. It touches upon our identity, relationships and beliefs; things people care about. It goes to the heart of the ideas we hold about what it means to be human, free and equal.

How are we to think straight about the vexed issue of abortion in order to participate in the debate and vote on the matter? John Stott, one of the world’s leading Christian thinkers and formerly rector of All Souls Church in London, reminds us that God has given us four gifts:

His first gift is a mind with which to think. His second gift is the Bible, and its witness to Christ, which helps to direct and control our thinking. God’s third gift is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, to open up the Bible to us and illume our minds to understand and apply its truths. Fourthly, God has given us the Christian community, the Church as the context in which to do our thinking.

With these four gifts, especially in relation to each other – a mind, a textbook, a teacher and a school – it should be possible for us to develop an increasingly Christian mind to learn and think straight on the issues facing us today, including abortion.

As your bishop, can I ask you to:

  • Think straight about this controversial issue of abortion.
  • Develop a Christian mind on the issue, informed by the Bible, infused by the Holy Spirit and rooted in the Christian community, the Church.
  • Exercise you right to vote in the Referendum.

Having given the matter much thought and prayer, I will be voting not to change the current Constitutional position. I do so because of the Biblical understanding of the value of each human life and Christ’s attitude towards people, particularly the vulnerable and voiceless. Looking around the world, I can see the impact of virtually unrestricted access to abortion on human life and society. I do not wish that on the land I call home, Ireland.
