Killinkere Church 200th Anniversary

Killinkere Church of Ireland in the diocese of Kilmore celebrated its 200th Anniversary on Sunday 10th September 2017. It was a wonderful opportunity to gather as a parish, a group of parishes and a community together. Many too had travelled from across Cavan, Ireland and the UK to attend the service including a former Rector, Canon William Mitchell’s children and grandchildren (Canon Mitchell was Rector of Killinkere from 1942 until 1973).

The current Rector – The Venerable Canon Craig McCauley began the service by welcoming all and thanking all who have worked so hard to make this special day happen – “while we may be small in number – there is a strong heartbeat in the parish.”

The Rector read best wishes from two former Rectors – Rectors Revd Robert Kingston and Revd Warren Nelson. He also brought greeting from the V. Rev. Eamonn Lynch PP of St. Ultan’s Church in Killinkere as well as greetings from Killinkere GAA Club.

The service began with a call to worship, giving thanks for the life and witness of Killinkere Church over the past 200 years before the congregation joined in the hymn Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven.

A son of the parish The Revd Canon John Clarke, Rector of the Navan Group of Parishes then read the chosen passage from Philippians 4.

Special musical guests for the day the Ballybay Country Gospel Group then sang – reminding the congregation through song of some of the core truths of the Christian message.

The guest preacher for the day was the Rt. Revd. Dr. Ferran Glenfield, Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh. He reflected on the events of the last 200 years, how Ireland, Cavan and Killinkere had changed, many had had to leave to build a new life elsewhere and yet in the midst of that Killinkere Church had been build. He acknowledged the work of the current vestry who in 2015 had fully restored the interior of the church to provide a beautiful place for God’s people to worship. Drawing on Philippians 4 the Bishop encouraged all to seek their peace in Christ and to build their lives on Jesus.

After further music from the Ballybay Country Gospel Group the Rector led a prayerful time of thanksgiving and dedication for the present and future of Killinkere Parish.

Bishop Ferran then prayed God’s blessing on the parish with the words: Blessed Lord, in this parish of Killinkere, across the Virginia Group of Parishes and throughout this community, draw our hearts to you, guide our minds, fill our imaginations, control our wills and make us wholly yours. Use us as you will, to the glory of your holy name and the welfare of your people; and may the blessing of God Almighty – Father, Son and Holy Spirit be upon us now and always. Amen

The service finished with an adapted version of the hymn ‘Be Thou My Vision’, reflecting the corporate sense of the parish and the call to be Christ centred sang ‘Be Thou Our Vision, O Lord of our heart, naught be all else to us, save that thou art…”

Afterwards the large congregation shared memories and fellowship in the hall over a beautiful tea supplied by the parishioners. The Bishop, the Rector and Mrs Violet Kellett (who baked the cake) cut the anniversary cake and photos were taken of the youngest and oldest parishioners – James Byers and Mrs Betty Clarke. The Bishop thanked the Rector for all his hard work in the parish over the past 13 years.

Once again thank you to all who made Killinkere’s 200th Anniversary such an enjoyable and memorable day.


200th Anniversary Service Cover

Bishop Ferran, Archdeacon Craig and Mrs Violet Kellett cutting the cake.

The youngest parishioner – James  (with parents Derek and Galina and sister Victoria) and oldest parishioner Mrs Betty Clarke with the Rector and Bishop Ferran.

Ordination of Richard Beadle, Simon Scott and Richard Waller

Last Sunday evening 3rd September, Revd. Richard Beadle, Revd. Simon Scott and Revd. Richard Waller were ordained as Prebyters in the Church of Ireland by Rt. Revd. Ferran Glenfield, the Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh in St Fethlimidh’s Cathedral, Kilmore.

Rev. Capt. Richard Beadle has been appointed as Bishops Curate to the Manorhamilton Group of Parishes. He is married to Pauline and has three teenage children – Ruth Alicia and Asher. Rev. Richard has been an active Church Army Officer in the Diocese for many years before continuing this journey as an ordained minister in the Swanlinbar and Kildallon group of Parishes. Before joining the Church Army, Richard worked in the Employment service in the UK, while serving in his local parish, St Marks in Gillingham, Kent, where his faith took on a new depth.


Revd. Richard was commissioned as a Church Army Evangelist in 1998 and served the parishes of St John and St Philips in Nelson, East Lancashire 1998-2001.  A clear sense of call to Ireland brought Richard and Pauline to St. Matthews on the Shankill Road in Belfast, where he worked as a parish evangelist between 2001- 2007.  In 2016, he was selected for ordination and was ordained deacon later that year.


Revd. Simon has been appointed as Bishops Curate to the Kildrumferton group of Parishes. He grew up in Dublin and has a background in horticulture running his own business prior to entering the Church of Ireland Theological Institute. For the last year he has served as a deacon in the Edenderry Union of Parishes (diocese of Meath and Kildare) alongside the rector Canon Lynda Peilow.

Revd. Simon is married to Tamara, who hails from Australia and they have a young son Micaiah and an energetic dog. Both Simon and Tamara are really look forward to calling Cavan home and seeing God’s love at work in people’s lives.

Revd. Capt. Richard Waller has been appointed as Bishop’s Curate to the Kildallon Group of Parishes. He has been the deacon intern in the Killeshandra Group of Parishes since September 2016 and is excited to be able to continue to serve in this neighbouring Group of Parishes. Prior to his training for ordination at the Church of Ireland Theological Institute, Revd. Richard and his wife lived in inner city East Belfast so the contrast now with rural life is very much an enriching experience.

Richard is married to Janette who currently works on the switchboard and reception at the Ulster Independent Clinic, Belfast. They have been made to feel welcome already in the deacon intern year and so are looking forward to getting to know people in the Killdallon Group of Parishes as Richard begins this new chapter of ministry.

Revd. Ken Gibson, CEO of the Leprosy Mission, gave the Address. Preaching from Matthew 9 vs 35-38, Revd. Ken encouraged the candidates as well as the congregation to strive to see people as Jesus sees them. To see how they are affected in order to effectively preach, teach and heal. In his sermon he noted the similarities between an ordination service and a wedding ceremony or baptism and encouraged all those present to verbally express their support for the candidates as they begin their roles as ministers and stewards of God’s word and sacraments.

A service of welcome will take place for each of our newly ordained ministers:

  • Revd. Richard Beadle on Friday 8th September at 730pm in Cloonclare Parish Church.
  • Revd. Richard Waller on Friday 8pm in Kildallon Parish Church
  • Revd. Simon Scott on Sunday 11th September at 1030am in Ballymachugh Parish Church.

Front row l-r: Revd. Ken Gibson, Revd. Richard Waller, Revd. Richard Beadle, Revd. Simon Scott
Back row l-r: Dean. Nigel Crossey, Bishop Ferran Glenfield, The Ven. Craig McCauley, The Ven. Isaac Hanna.

KEA Camps August 2017: BOOK NOW

EXPLORERS // 8-11s – 6-8 August

TRAILBLAZERS // 12-15s – 8-10 August

GROUNDBREAKERS // 16+ – 10-12 August


Venue: Lissadell Centre, Co Sligo

Cost: €50/£45

Speaker: Paul O’Neill

» Click Here To Download Info & Booking Form



Revd. Linda Frost instituted as Rector of the South Leitrim Group of Parishes

On Sunday afternoon, 16th July, Revd. Linda Frost was instituted as Rector of the South Leitrim Group of Parishes (which consists of Mohill, Carrick on Shannon, Ballinamore, Farnaught, Annaduff, Drumreilly, Drumshanbo, Aughavas, Fenagh and Kiltubrid). Revd. Linda has been Bishops Curate in this group of parishes since 2014. The packed service, which was led by Bishop Ferran Glenfield , was attended by people of all age groups including clergy from both Church of Ireland and Catholic churches, parishioners from all ten churches in the South Leitrim Group as well as Councillors and representatives of community groups that Revd. Linda has worked with over the last three years.

The service also included the commissioning of Stephen Frost as Diocesan Reader as well as Ruth Dobson (Mohill), Noelle Scott (Mohill) and Julie Marshall (Ballinmore/Drumreilly) as Parish Readers. During the service, Revd. Canon Dr Maurice Elliott spoke fittingly on the keys to effective pastoral ministry.

The music was a highlight of the afternoon – the Sweet Spirit Gospel Choir sang a wonderful version of Just a Closer Walk with Him and the worship group sang Come Holy Spirit. One of the hymns sung during the service was ‘Together we Serve, United by Love’ by Daniel Charles Damon. Revd. Linda said that the words of this hymn represented the past three years as well as her vision for the South Leitrim Group of Parishes as they move forward.

We pray for the Lord’s blessing on Revd. Linda as she continues her ministry in the South Leitrim Group of Parishes. We thank God for the support that she has had from her team of Diocesan and Parish readers over the past three years. As Stephen, Ruth, Noelle and Julie join that team may they strive to become a beacon of hope, to offer a home to all those who will come and to witness the grace of Christ Jesus. We pray for Linda, her team and the South Leitrim Group as they ‘serve in Spirit and truth, remembering Love is the strength of our song’.

Revd, Linda with newly commissioned Diocesan and Parish Readers (l-r) Noelle Scott, Ruth Dobson, Bishop Ferran, Revd. Linda, Stephen Frost and Julie Marshall.

Revd. Linda with her husband Stephan and their children and grandchildren

Bishop Ferran Glenfield with Rev. Linda Frost

Revd. Christiaan Snell Welcomed as Minister-in-Charge of the Edgeworthstown Group of Parishes

On Sunday afternoon, 9th July, family, friends, colleagues and parishioners gathered in St John Church, Edgeworthstown to welcome Revd. Christiaan Snell as the new Minister-In-Charge of the Edgeworthstown Group of Parishes in Co. Longford.

The service was a wonderful occasion with great music and singing. It was led by the Ven. Isaac Hanna, Archdeacon of Elphin and Ardagh with The Rt. Revd. Ferran Glenfield, Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh preaching. In his address, based on Isaiah 61, Bishop Ferran spoke of the promise of hope. We have a new day, a new beginning and there is no need for despair as our future is in Christ.

During the service words of welcome were expressed by Dr. Fergus O’Farrell, the lay leader of the Methodist Church and member of the Covenant Council. He highlighted the significance of Rev. Christiaan’s appointment as minister in both the Church of Ireland and the Methodist Church. It is a wonderful example of the outworking of the covenant which was agreed between the two traditions in 2002.

Refreshments were served after the service at which further words of welcome were extended to Rev. Christiaan and his family by Ed Lindsay on behalf of the parish and Dean Arfon Williams on behalf of the clergy of the Diocese. Rev. Christiaan acknowledged everyone’s warm welcome saying that it was great to be part of a new beginning. He said that even though we come from different backgrounds and traditions our focus should be on Christ, treasuring Him.

We thank God for the openness, acceptance and warmth that exists between the Methodist Church in Ireland and the Church of Ireland and we pray for Rev. Christiaan and his family as they begin a new chapter of ministry among these churches.


Ms. Ruth Gailbraith, Ven. Isaac Hanna, Bishop Ferran,Rev. Alastair Donaldson, Rev. Christiaan Snell, Dean Arfon Williams, Dr. Fergus O’Ferrall, Dean Nigel Crossey, Rev. Linda Frost

Dean Arfon Williams, Bishop Ferran Glenfield, Revd. Christiaan Snell, Revd. Fergus O’Ferrall, The Ven. Isaac Hanna.

Bishop Ferran with Revd. Christiaan, his wife Karen and their three children.

Revd. Christiaan Snell to be welcomed as new Minister in Edgeworthtown and Longford

This Sunday, 9th July, Rev. Christiaan Snell will be welcomed as the new Minister-in-Charge of the Edgeworthstown Group of Parishes in Co. Longford. The service will take place at 4pm in St John’s Edgeworthstown.

Rev. Christiaan will also be taking up a position in the Methodist Church in Longford and Drumshambo. He will be welcomed by the Methodist Church at a service at 12pm in Longford Methodist Church. This is the first time that such an appointment has been made since the covenant between the Church of Ireland and the Methodist Church in Ireland reached agreement on the interchangability of ministries. It is visible evidence of the openness, acceptance and appreciation of each other’s gifts, ministry and worship that exist between the two traditions.

Rev. Christiaan moves to Longford with his wife Karen and children Zoe, Daniel and Joshua. We pray for every blessing as they begin their ministry in the area.

Director of Music Wanted

Calry Parish Church is looking for a Director of Music. This person will need to be a capable organist, comfortable with both traditional and contemporary styles of worship music and able to develop and cultivate musical talent in worshippers of all ages – singers and musicians. Harmony with the doctrines and beliefs of the Trinitarian churches is essential.

Sound a note, if interested, to Canon Patrick Bamber 071 91 46513; [email protected]; or write to: Calry Rectory, The Mall, Sligo, F91 VW6P.

Closing date for applications: Tuesday 18th July.

Thy Kingdom Come Prayer Road Trip

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear them from Heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

In response to the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby’s call to prayer, yKea (the youth ministry team at Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh) organised a week long prayer road trip around the diocese. Throughout the week our focus for praying was to align our hearts with God’s, to seek His face and pray ‘thy Kingdom Come’ over our land. A small team join Hannah O’Neill and Marian Edwards (the DKEA Youth and Children’s co-ordinators) on the road trip. It included four Emmanuel Church Lurgan interns – Robbie Norton, James Patterson, Matthew Turner and Ryan Osborne. Beth Tays towards the end of the week. Here’s a glimpse of what we got up to during the road trip…

Sunday 28th May

The week kicked off with the first prayer gathering in Virginia. We had a time of worship and a variety of prayer styles including led prayers, prayer stations and praying in groups. It was wonderful to be joined by Cootehill Christian Fellowship for the evening. Pastor Paul Hackett lead prayers for unity amongst our churches. We know that ‘where God’s people dwell in unity…there the Lord commands His blessing.’ (Psalm 133) And so, as we planned for this road trip, our desire at yKea was to gather Christians from across church backgrounds to unite and pray together. We believe that many of the partnerships formed during our week of prayer were significant and we hope to continue to build on these relationships in the future.

Monday 29th May

Day 2 of our road trip started with assembly in Cavan Royal School where Robbie (one of the interns) taught about prayer and Ryan (another intern) shared some of his own personal experiences in prayer. We then headed to Killeshandra for scones and a chat with Rev Ali Calvin, to hear a bit about her parishes and pray before an assembly in Killeshandra NS. Then it was off to Cootehill for lunch and a prayer walk before our evening gathering in Crom Church, Co Fermanagh. Crom is a beautiful setting by Lough Erne and it was great to have so many join us from Fermanagh and Cavan to pray. We had a time of confession followed by prayers for the local area and Ireland. Each evening we had a different global focus and on Monday we prayed for the East Africa Crisis. It was a real joy to pray together with fellow Christians in God’s presence. Afterward, a highlight for the team was getting to climb the bell tower and ring the bells!

Tuesday 30th May

Tuesday began with two assemblies-Fairgreen NS (Belturbet) and Newtowngore NS. We used our assemblies as an opportunity to teach the children about prayer and how their prayers are just as important and significant to God as the prayers of grown ups. After our morning of assemblies we enjoyed a picnic and prayer walk at Drumreilly and then made a stop at St Catherine’s Church, Fenagh to pray before heading to Carrick-on-Shannon. Whilst few in number at our prayer gathering in Carrick, we had a great night of prayer and worship together.

Wednesday 31st May

On Wednesday morning we had our final assembly of the week in Mohill NS before returning to Carrick-on-Shannon for our coffee morning for church leaders at the Bush Hotel. This was an opportunity for us to honour and celebrate those who lead and serve in our churches, both clergy and lay people. Bishop Ferran Glenfield shared a few thoughts with us on prayer. Then there was a time of prayer for each other, to encourage and lift one another up. As a team of mostly 20 somethings it was an honour to be able to pray for our leaders whose legacy we stand upon. After the coffee morning the team enjoyed lunch with Bishop Ferran and hearing about what God is doing in the diocese. Together, we then headed to Elphin Cathedral where the bishop taught us about the history and we had a time of prayer and worship. Robbie recalls the significance of our time at the cathedral ruins, “A personal highlight was at Elphin where we heard the history, prayed and worshipped. It felt significant not just for that place but for the whole land; that God wants to spring up old wells and move afresh!”

We spent some time at ‘The Well’ in Longford to meet with June Murphy and hear her vision and heart for Longford town. In the evening we had our prayer gathering in Longford. One particularly significant part of the evening was hearing from a local young person, Sinead McWeeney, who shared about her own faith and desire to share it with her friends. She told us about the Global Outreach Day on May 27th when they organised a youth event where they were able to invite their friends along to and tell them about Jesus and His love for them. Fuelled by her story we then prayed for youth ministry in Longford.

Thursday 1st June

It was a very wet day on Thursday but that wasn’t going to put us off travelling around and praying. We decided to trek down to Clonmacnoise Monastery. It was amazing to hear the history and Christian heritage of the place. With its fairly central location in Ireland we stood and faced the four provinces of Ireland and prayed for Ulster, Connaught, Leinster and Munster. We long to see God move across our land, in every corner of Ireland and to see lives transformed through Christ. Our afternoon was then spent at OM’s Lackan House in Roscommon. They had just celebrated 60 years of OM worldwide, and 15 years in Ireland. They gave us a tour of their base and told us about their ministry across Ireland. We were then able to spend some time praying for OM along with a few of their volunteers. Then as usual, we had our prayer gathering in the evening, this time at The Core, Roscommon. Folk gathered from lots of different church backgrounds and there was a great sense of unity as we prayed.

Friday 2nd June

For our final day of the road trip we travelled to Sligo. We spent time at Drumcliff with Archdeacon Isaac Hanna and heard about his plans for the group of parish with Church Army. It was really exciting to see how his dreams are unfolding into reality. We spent some time walking around the church grounds and praying for ministry there. We then finished our diocesan part of the road trip with the prayer gathering in Calry Parish. Rev Patrick Bamber had invited Christians from across Sligo to take part throughout the evening and it was incredible to see and hear about the variety of things happening in that part of our diocese. Once again, unity was a running theme for the gathering and indeed it seemed to be one of the main themes of the entire week. Matthew one of the interns from Lurgan had this to say, “I felt that the theme of unity and bringing all the churches together was so powerful. It could be the beginning of something bigger and greater than we can even dream, that through this unity God will do amazing things throughout the land.”

At the end of the week it was amazing to gather with Christians from across our nation in both Belfast and Dublin, at the 24-7 Prayer Ireland ‘Kingdom Come’ events. We thoroughly enjoyed the road trip and gathering a sense of what God is doing throughout the diocese. Thank you to everyone who came along and engaged in prayer during the week. Special thanks goes to all those who hosted us for meals and accommodation. And finally thank you to the team who joined us. They were an encouragement and blessing to so many as they prayed around the dioceses. Looking ahead to the future, we are excited and expectant for how God is going to continue to develop unity amongst His people and transform communities across our diocese through the power of His Spirit.


Emmanuel Church Lurgan Interns: Robbie Norton, James Patterson, Matthew Turner and Ryan Osborne

Unveiling the new banner at the prayer gathering at Core, Roscommon

Praying at Drumcliff Sligo

Father Pat Lombard sharing at the gathering in Calry Parish, Sligo

On top of Bell tower at Crom Church: Wilson Kells, Ryan Osborne, Hannah O’Neill, Laura Dunlop, Rev Ali Calvin, James Patterson, Aaron Magee, Robbie Norton, Matthew Turner, Marian Edwards

Coffee morning for church leaders at Bush Hotel, Carrick-on-Shannon

Praying around Elphin Cathedral