Safari Supper – 5th March

Calry Church are holding a Safari Supper on Saturday 5th March to raise funds for a region of the world in real need of support: Kindu in the DR Congo.

The evening begins with a starter in Kilgallen’s on the Mall from 6 pm. The main course will be served in the Catacombs and so on. It promises to be a fun evening and there will be a little surprise at the final venue. All the courses are in walking distance of the Mall in Sligo.

Tickets for the event cost €25.00, €10 for children and youth, €55.00 for a family group of four. Contact [email protected] or call 071 91 46513 for further information.

The Ven. Isaac Hanna Released On Bail

As part of a Friends of Sligo Gaol fundraiser, the Venerable Isaac Hanna was arrested on Saturday 13th of February and remanded into custody on the charge of ‘getting rid of communion wine that was out of date’. The complaint had been made to the authorities by one, Ms. Sally Siggins. The nominators have, however, met the minimum bail terms of €50 and the Venerable Isaac Hanna was released just in time to do a baptism on Sunday morning.


The bail money raised will be put towards the refurbishment of Sligo Gaol with a vision to seeing it reopen as a tourist attraction. If you would like to support  the Friends of Sligo Gaol – Jail and Bail fundraiser you can see more information at:!jailandbail/e5mzd.


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Isaac Hanna Installed as the new Archdeacon of Elphin and Ardagh

Last Sunday, 31st January 2016, Revd. Capt. Isaac Hanna was installed as the new Archdeacon of the Dioceses of Elphin and Ardagh at a service in the Cathedral Church of St. Mary the Virgin and St. John the Baptist, Sligo.

The service was led by the Very Revd. Arfon Williams, Dean of the Cathedral and the Speaker was Ven. David McClay, Archdeacon of Down. Isaac Hanna is the Rector of the Drumcliffe Group of Parishes in Co. Sligo.



Revd. Nick Jones Welcomed as the new minister of the Drung Group of Parishes


This Sunday the 24th January 2016, Revd. Nick Jones was welcomed as the new Minister-in-charge of the Drung Group of Parishes at a Service in Drung Church. During the service the congregation were introduced to Nick, his wife Dorothy and their two children, after which they were officially welcomed by representatives of the five churches in the group; Drung, Castleterra Larah & Lavey and Killoughter. In his sermon from 2 Timothy 4, Bishop Ferran Glenfield, told Nick that just as Paul had passed the baton of ministry onto Timothy so the baton had been passed to him. His role means he is charged with preaching the Word – with urgency and endurance, encouraging us in our faith. The service was followed by a time of fellowship and some very welcome refreshments in the School hall.

Suicide Prevention And The Church


How can churches respond to the tragedy of suicide?

Can we be more effective in suicide prevention?

VOX magazine is hosting a series of one-day conferences around Ireland to inform and equip churches and Christians (of all denominations and backgrounds) as they seek to respond to suicide and engage in suicide prevention.

Join us to explore these vital issues with top speakers from the area of mental health and suicide prevention.

Saturday 30 January
10am – 4pm
Apostolic Church, 67a Pearse Street, Dublin 2

Saturday 6 February

10am – 3pm
Grace Christian Church, 53 MacCurtain Street, Cork

Saturday 20 February
10am – 4pm
Calry Church, Sligo

Cost? €20 per person (including lunch), €10 for students and concessions

Who is it for?
These events are designed for church leaders and individual Christians who are concerned about suicide or have been affected by suicide and want to know how Christians can respond.

A range of subjects will be offered depending on the venue and demand. Subjects may include:

  • Supporting those bereaved by suicide
  • Understanding self harm
  • Equipped to care – listening skills
  • Working together with your community
  • Supporting a family member with chronic mental illness

>> Find Out More

Christmas Message 2015 – Bishop Ferran


Christmas is a season of mystery. Gifts are bought in secret, presents are wrapped and then hidden away only to be revealed on Christmas Day. At Christmas we are faced with the greatest mystery of all time, the coming of God to earth. The clues of God’s coming litter the Bible. Readings at carol services have brought these clues to light and give us insight into,where, when, how and who was involved ? But why? What was God’s motive in coming to earth? The clue as to why is found in the prophecy of Isaiah and repeated in Matthew’s Gospel.Twice the biblical authors repeat that God will give a sign, a clue, hidden in a name, Immanuel, which is translated, God is with us. That’s the reason why God came, he wants to be with us.

Picture the scene at the arrivals area in Dublin Airport on Christmas Eve.
People stream out of the gate only to be cheered and embraced by waiting loved ones. They are home, they are with us and that’s all that matters. God, too, wants to be with us, to be part of us, to share our lives, because he loves us. What an incredible reality and truth. Our ignorance, indifference or rejection does not deter him. Those who receive him, who believe in his name, the name of Jesus,are allowed to experience the greatest mystery of all, God with us.God loving us, God securing us, God purposing us. Immanuel, the why of Christmas.

+ Ferran

Revd. Isaac Hanna Appointed as the Archdeacon of Elphin and Ardagh

rev.Isaac-hannaPRESS RELEASE – 11/12/2015

Revd. Isaac Hanna Appointed as the Archdeacon of Elphin and Ardagh

Revd. Isaac Hanna, the Rector of Drumcliffe, Lissadell and Munninane, has been appointed as the new Archdeacon of the Dioceses of Elphin and Ardagh. A service of Installation will be held on the 31st January 2016 at 4pm in Sligo Cathedral.


For further information contact the Diocesan Communications Officer:
Jennifer Horner
Tel: (042) 967 5822
Email: [email protected]

Mothers’ Union Prayer Vigil raises awareness of Gender Based Violence.

On Saturday 28th November women and men from across the Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh gathered in St George’s Church, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim for a prayer vigil organised as part of the Mothers’ Union All-Ireland ‘16 Days of Activism against gender based violence’.

It was one of 15 vigils being held across all twelve Diocese of the Church of Ireland as a powerful gesture of solidarity with women at home and across the world who are suffering at the hand of gender based violence.

Worship was led by Revd. Linda Frost, Joy Little (MU KEA President) and Dean Arfon Williams and Bishop Ferran Glenfield. The speakers on the day were Niamh Wilson from the Domestic Violence Advocacy Service Sligo (DVAS), Tina Horton from the Sligo Rape Crisis Centre, Patricia O ‘Reilly from Roscommon SAFE (Domestic Support) and Mary McSharry from Invisible Traffick. A prayer tree was used as part of the vigil to facilitate prayers for justice and peace for women who live in fear of violence.
The organisers were grateful to Deputy Frank Feighan, Senator Pascal Mooney and Cllr. Marie Casserly who were there to express their support for the vigil which aimed to raise awareness and pressurise governments to take action.

