Christmas Message 2015 – Bishop Ferran


Christmas is a season of mystery. Gifts are bought in secret, presents are wrapped and then hidden away only to be revealed on Christmas Day. At Christmas we are faced with the greatest mystery of all time, the coming of God to earth. The clues of God’s coming litter the Bible. Readings at carol services have brought these clues to light and give us insight into,where, when, how and who was involved ? But why? What was God’s motive in coming to earth? The clue as to why is found in the prophecy of Isaiah and repeated in Matthew’s Gospel.Twice the biblical authors repeat that God will give a sign, a clue, hidden in a name, Immanuel, which is translated, God is with us. That’s the reason why God came, he wants to be with us.

Picture the scene at the arrivals area in Dublin Airport on Christmas Eve.
People stream out of the gate only to be cheered and embraced by waiting loved ones. They are home, they are with us and that’s all that matters. God, too, wants to be with us, to be part of us, to share our lives, because he loves us. What an incredible reality and truth. Our ignorance, indifference or rejection does not deter him. Those who receive him, who believe in his name, the name of Jesus,are allowed to experience the greatest mystery of all, God with us.God loving us, God securing us, God purposing us. Immanuel, the why of Christmas.

+ Ferran

Revd. Isaac Hanna Appointed as the Archdeacon of Elphin and Ardagh

rev.Isaac-hannaPRESS RELEASE – 11/12/2015

Revd. Isaac Hanna Appointed as the Archdeacon of Elphin and Ardagh

Revd. Isaac Hanna, the Rector of Drumcliffe, Lissadell and Munninane, has been appointed as the new Archdeacon of the Dioceses of Elphin and Ardagh. A service of Installation will be held on the 31st January 2016 at 4pm in Sligo Cathedral.


For further information contact the Diocesan Communications Officer:
Jennifer Horner
Tel: (042) 967 5822

Mothers’ Union Prayer Vigil raises awareness of Gender Based Violence.

On Saturday 28th November women and men from across the Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh gathered in St George’s Church, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim for a prayer vigil organised as part of the Mothers’ Union All-Ireland ‘16 Days of Activism against gender based violence’.

It was one of 15 vigils being held across all twelve Diocese of the Church of Ireland as a powerful gesture of solidarity with women at home and across the world who are suffering at the hand of gender based violence.

Worship was led by Revd. Linda Frost, Joy Little (MU KEA President) and Dean Arfon Williams and Bishop Ferran Glenfield. The speakers on the day were Niamh Wilson from the Domestic Violence Advocacy Service Sligo (DVAS), Tina Horton from the Sligo Rape Crisis Centre, Patricia O ‘Reilly from Roscommon SAFE (Domestic Support) and Mary McSharry from Invisible Traffick. A prayer tree was used as part of the vigil to facilitate prayers for justice and peace for women who live in fear of violence.
The organisers were grateful to Deputy Frank Feighan, Senator Pascal Mooney and Cllr. Marie Casserly who were there to express their support for the vigil which aimed to raise awareness and pressurise governments to take action.



Childrens Ministry Advent Newsletter 2015

Advent is a time of waiting and anticipation. It is a time of hope even in the darkness. It is a time of knowing that Jesus the Light of the world has come and has brought light to all of us. At this time of the year we remember that we are called to be light and hope to others in dark times. When people are waiting in darkness – maybe they are waiting for test results from hospital or are worried because they have lost their job or are fleeing war or are lonely and are not excited about Christmas because they don’t have anyone to celebrate with – Jesus calls us. Just as He is the Light of the world, bringing hope and joy and welcome to the majestic magi and the lowly shepherds, we also bring that Light to others at this time. Here are some ideas for including children in this time of waiting, hope, welcome and light this season.

Click Here To View/Download The Full Newsletter >>

Mothers’ Union ’16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence’ Prayer Vigil

The Mothers’ Union ’16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence’ Prayer Vigil will take place on Saturday the 28th November in St George’s Church Carrick-on-Shannon between 3 and 6pm.

The Vigil will include speakers from the Domestic Violence Advocacy Service, The Samaritans, Sligo Rape Crisis Centre and Invisible Trafficking.


Click Here To Download The Brochure

Better Together – Diocesan Synod, 17th Oct


The Annual Joint Meeting of the Diocesan Synods of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh took place on Saturday 17th October in the Bush Hotel, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim. At this meeting Bishop Ferran Glenfield introduced the proposed union of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh under a single administration. At present the diocese is administered in two parts: Kilmore and Elphin and Ardagh. However, one of the key things identified in a series of Conversation Days facilitated by the Bishop shortly after his appointment was a desire for a single administration to avoid unnecessary duplication and waste. Both Killmore and Elphin and Ardagh have been united since before the Church of Ireland was disestablished nearly 150 years ago. The Bishop noted that over the years respect and trust had built up, to the point that we consider ourselves as one family, who are better together.

During the Synod a series of motions were put before and unanimously approved by the Synods of the Diocese of Kilmore and the Dioceses of Elphin and Ardagh which will enable the two Dioceses to work together under one administration. The proposed single administration and financial scheme will now go forward to the RCB. If the RCB are satisfied the scheme will be placed before the General Synod in May 2016.

A huge amount of work has been done to get this far and Bishop Ferran paid tribute to the two working groups who worked tirelessly through the details of the proposed single administration and the accompanying financial scheme. He also thanked the various officers of the RCB for their input.

These changes are part of our larger Vision for the church, 20/20 VISION, which in relation to administration aspires that ‘Diocesan administration and structures should be relevant, accountable, representative and supportive of the local church. Diocesan resources should be released to this end.’ In his Presidential address, the Bishop said that these changes make sense – ‘we are better together, not just symbolically but in reality’. He asked for support and prayers as we go forward in God together as three distinctive members of one united family, Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh.


Bishop Ferran Glenfield

Olwen Heaslip and Cathy Clarke
Olwen Heaslip and Cathy Clarke

Revd Canon Patrick Bamber and Deborah Davitt
Revd Canon Patrick Bamber and Deborah Davitt

Damien Shorten and Hannah O'Neill
Damien Shorten and Hannah O’Neill

Dean Arfon Williams John Davies
Dean Arfon Williams and John Davies

Dean Nigel Crossey, Cynthia Poyntz
Dean Nigel Crossey and Cynthia Poyntz

Emma Lynch - Tearfund
Emma Lynch – Tearfund

Mary Geelan
Mary Geelan

Sandra Lindsay
Sandra Lindsay

William Foster Red Canon Billy Stafford
William Foster and Canon Billy Stafford

RTE Service on Sunday with Sligo Grammar School Choir


The RTE One Service on Sunday 11th October was a Harvest Thanksgiving with Sligo Grammar School Choir directed by Johnathan Carter. The service, which was lead by Revd. Canon Patrick Bamber can be seen on the RTE player at:


Revd. Nick Jones Appointed as the Minister in Charge of the Drung Group of Parishes

nick-jones-familyRev. Nick Jones is to be appointed as the minister in charge of the Drung Group of Parishes on January 22nd 2016. Although originally from England, Nick has a deep love of the Irish, so much so that he married native Irish girl Dorothy in 2009! Nick originally trained and worked as a lawyer in London, but following his conversion to Christ in 2002 he began to consider overseas mission work and subsequently ordained ministry. He is delighted that those two things have been combined and that he can now serve as a Church of Ireland minister. Nick and Dorothy have two children, Bethany (5) and William (2), and so they don’t get much spare time! However, when they do they enjoy playing tennis and watching rugby (especially England Ireland games!). Nick also enjoys windsurfing, surfing, 5-aside football, squash and reading. Nick is very much looking forward to serving the Drung Group of Parishes where he hopes to delight in sharing not only the gospel of God but his life as well (1 Thessalonians 2:8).

Bishop Wallace Ben Visits KEA

bishop-wallace-bennBishop Wallace Benn will lead a Quiet Day for the clergy of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh on the 9th October 2015. and the Lay Readers Autumn School on the 10th October 2015.

The theme for the clergy Quiet Day will be ‘Jesus our Joy’ and will have two addresses on Philippians entitled ‘Confidence in Christ’ and ‘The Servant Heartedness of Christ’. The Lay Readers Autumn School will seek to give an introduction to Luke’s Gospel (the set gospel of the next lectionary) plus a workshop on how to preach it!

Wallace Benn was educated at St Andrews College Dublin & University College Dublin before going to Trinity College, Bristol to train for the Anglican ministry. After 25 years in parish ministry of very different sorts he became area Bishop of Lewes in the Diocese of Chichester from 1997-2012. During his time there he had special responsibility for youth work as well as Reader support & training.

He founded Bible by the Beach Convention which is a long weekend of worship, learning and Bible teaching (as well as great fun) each early May Bank Holiday in Eastbourne. For 15 years he was President of Church of England Evangelical Council. He is an author and popular speaker with an enthusiasm for teaching the Bible, evangelism and church growth, as well as the pastoral care of those in ministry.
An enthusiastic supporter of the Leinster & also Irish rugby team, he is also a petrolhead having once taken part in TV’s Top Gear.

Married to Lindsay, who is a learning support teacher, he has two grownup children and two grandchildren.

Farewell to Revd Liz McElhinney

On Sunday 30th August a Service of Farewell was held in St Coman’s Church, Roscommon for Canon Liz McElhinney who has retired as Priest-in-Charge of the Roscommon Group of Parishes. The church was filled with parishioners and members of the wider community who enjoyed the music and singing of various groups. At the service, a plaque was unveiled dedicating the restored East window to the glory of God in memory of Canon J.M.E. and Mrs Lily Maguire by their daughter Revd Canon Liz McElhinney.

Refreshments were served after the service in The Core Community Centre. The Lamb Festival Committee made a presentation to Revd Liz in thanks for her contribution to the annual Roscommon Lamb Festival. Mr Steve Frost, member of The Core committee, spoke of the foresight and commitment, especially of Cyril, in the development of the building to the fine facility it now is and drew our attention to the plaque on wall, acknowledging this work.


Liz McElhinney Farewell
Kids: Lanesborough, Roscommon Sunday School music group

Liz McElhinney Farewell
Flautist: Flautist, Hazel Murray

Liz McElhinney Farewell
Sean: Musicians Sean Hanily and Annie McNally playing outside The Core

Liz McElhinney Farewell
Liz Lamb presentation: A presentation to Revd Liz thanking her for her contribution to the Roscommon Lamb Festival (L-R Gerry Browne (Chairman of the Lamb Festival Committee), David McElhinney (Revd Liz’s Son) and Revd Liz McElhinney)

Liz McElhinney Farewell
The Four Amigos: (L-R) Cyril McElhinney, Dulcie Galloway, Chris Nolan, Brian Murray