Daily Worship App

The Church of Ireland has launched a new Daily Worship app which brings content from the Book of Common Prayer and the Bible to your smartphone by presenting their content in one place, including readings and liturgies for each day of the year.

Video Series on Daniel

Luke Hawkins, Chaplain of Wilson’s Hospital School has created this series of seven studies from the book of Daniel. They are a wonderful reminder that God is in control in the midst of chaos and uncertainty.


Advent and Christmas ideas for children and families

Advent and Christmas are special times for all Christians, but especially for young children and their families. To make this time even more special, here are some ideas for parents and children to use to focus on what these seasons are all await. May Immanuel – God with us – bless your homes with a sense of his presence and peace over the coming weeks through doing these activities! 
(Thanks to the Church of Ireland Children’s Ministry Network for their help with these ideas!)

Children’s Ministry Network Autumn Newsletter

We have compiled some simple ideas for families, pods, and Sunday Clubs, always with prompts for the wider parish to be involved so people stay connected with the full life of the Church. Much of our focus in this edition is outdoors, encouraging faith in everyday life. Click HERE to download the Autumn newsletter

Easter Challenge

Statement on Covid 19 from Bishop Ferran Glenfield

At the time of writing on the 12th March, the Covid -19 virus has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation. That means that it has spread across the world and is impacting more than one hundred countries. I am writing to assure you that we in the Church of Ireland are taking this virus seriously and are seeking to limit its spread as part of civic society in Ireland. Already guidelines have been issued to reduce physical contact, by not shaking hands and by not receiving wine at Holy Communion. We are also asked not to gather indoors with more than one hundred people. Most of our church services have less than that threshold and will continue until directed otherwise. Our rectors have only limited access to hospitals and nursing homes. Schools have also been closed as from the above date. As the impact of the virus is likely to spread the guidelines will probably be extended. This will be done on a national basis following the advise of the HSE.

In the meanwhile we can support one another by keeping in touch by phone and online. By following the advice to wash our hands regularly and to limit unnecessary physical contact especially if we feel unwell. We are in the season of Lent a time of self discipline and I would ask you to exercise self discipline to allay the effects of this virus The Church of Ireland website offers a whole range of resources to help us keep our spiritual discipline. I offer this pray which is on the website:

Almighty and All-Loving God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We pray to you through Christ the Healer,
for those who suffer from the Covid-19 virus in Ireland and across the world.
We pray too for those who reach out to those who mourn those who have
died as a result of this disease.
Give wisdom to policy makers, skill to health care professionals and researchers;
comfort everyone in distress and give a sense of calm in these days of uncertainty and fear.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord,
who showed compassion to the outcast, and accepted the rejected,
love to those when no love was shown. Amen

Walk With Me – Helping young people step closer to Jesus

‘WALK WITH ME is a tool for churches and organisations with a passion to see young people stepping closer to Jesus.
It enables them to support young people, aged 14+, to meet in ones or twos with a committed Christian for an hour every couple of weeks to catch up, discuss the bible, and pray.’ An app as well as online and local support will be provided to help mentors and young people.

If you would be interested in learning more about WALK WITH ME, particularly if you would like to be part of it as a mentor or participant, please contact Damian on [email protected] or check out walkwithmejourneys.org.

Download the Step by Step guide and PowerPoint presentation setting out how it is hoped WALK WITH ME will work, along with a sample postcard to invite people to be involved. If you would like hard copies of these, they are available in a starter pack – let Damian know if you would like to receive one.

Ken Moser Evening – Recording

World renowned youth minister and professor Ken Moser speaking to a gathering of volunteer youth and children’s leaders in the Bush Hotel, Carrick-on-Shannon.