Emergency appeal supports communities affected by conflict in Congo

Over 3,000 people killed and 400,000 displaced in upsurge in fighting

 Disturbed by the horrific news reports coming out of Eastern Congo, CMS Ireland has been connecting often with its partners there in recent weeks.  Bishop Martin Gordon of Goma Diocese fled over the border with his family in the first few days of the conflict, when Goma was under fire. And in recent days Bishop Bahati, of Bukavu Diocese, has also been forced to flee with his family. Those left behind, including CMSI partners in Kindu and North Kivu Dioceses, are living in fear of the progress of rebels towards their areas, and are already impacted by food shortages and restricted movement.

As a first-line response, CMSI held an emergency Zoom prayer event in collaboration with other mission agencies primarily involved in DRC. Both the Archbishop of Congo, the Most Revd Georges Titre Ande, and the Bishop of Goma gave their understanding of the situation on the ground, and presented points for prayer and action. You can find out more about the situation in Eastern DRC from the information they shared in the following article: https://www.cmsireland.org/single-post/where-shall-our-help-come-from

CMSI hopes to inspire many to pray and give financial support for the church in Goma, Bukavu, Butembo and Kindu Dioceses, because it is our beleaguered brothers and sisters who must be the lights of hope amongst the chaos and distress.

Please pray for people of peace to come to places of influence in the nations involved.  If you would like to give to the CMSI DRC Emergency Appeal, you can do so at the following link:  https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/15485

A gift towards the emergency fund will enable the church in Eastern DRC to meet the needs of those who are coming in desperation asking for help with food and other household essentials. Each diocese will prioritise the most vulnerable families first, and CMSI will continue to send any funds which are given in response to this emergency appeal.