Introduction to Youth Mental Health

Invitation to Zoom event with CIYD (Monday, 20th January)

 The Church of Ireland Youth Department (CIYD) is running an online introduction to youth mental health next Monday, 20th January, from 7pm to 9pm, which will be delivered by Action Mental Health.

“Mental health and well-being is one of the biggest challenges facing our young people in the modern world,” says CIYD Youth Ministry Development Officer Luke Hawkins, who is organising the event.  “We are thrilled that so many people have already signed up for this free webinar, and hope to provide more like it in the future.”

The Zoom event, funded by the MindMattersCOI mental health awareness programme, is aimed at the parents of teenagers but any youth volunteer or worker, lay person or clergyperson, will also be welcome to attend.  Please go to the following link sign up and find out more.