Ordination of Revd. Luke Pratt

On Sunday, 30th June, Revd. Luke Pratt was ordained as a Presbyter in the Church of Ireland at a service in St. Columba’s Church, Drumcliffe led by Rt. Revd. Ferran Glenfield, the Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh.

Revd. Luke Pratt is currently serving as Curate to the Bishop in the Drumcliffe Group of Parishes – Drumcliffe (St Columba), Lissadell and Munninane. Revd. Luke grew up in the countryside on the eastern outskirts of Ballyhaunis, Co. Mayo, and has a twin brother. He attended Ballinlough National School in Co. Roscommon and spent six years as a boarding student at Sligo Grammar School before moving to Belfast in 2001 to study for a bachelor’s degree in music and film at Queen’s University. He says that it was in those first years at university that the Lord opened his eyes to realise that He is real, and close, that Jesus died for him, and that he needed His forgiveness and saving grace. After graduating, Revd. Luke remained in Belfast a further ten years, working in various jobs in the city. In 2011, he met his wife Penelope at church one Sunday. Almost exactly two years later they were married and six months after that they moved out to Chile to be closer to Pen’s family.

While in Chile, Revd. Luke was provided with the opportunity to study full-time at the Centre for Pastoral Studies (‘CEP’), the Anglican theological college in Santiago, supported by the church in Chile and the South American Mission Society (SAMS). He was ordained by the Anglican Church in Chile in 2023 before returning to live in Sligo last year.

It was, therefore, fitting that the address at this service of ordination was given by Revd. Stephen McElhinney, Mission Director of SAMS. In his sermon, based on 2 Corinthians 8: 7-15, Revd. Stephen said that occasions such as these are wonderful opportunities for the church to recognise the generosity of people who have given their lives to Christian service in response to what God has done for them. He noted that we owe a debt of gratitude to the Anglican Church in Chile for the role it has played in Revd. Luke’s journey to ordination. He said it is a wonderful example of the mutuality of support from one part of the worldwide church to another.

The service was followed by a reception in the nearby Pink Clover Café where the congregation enjoyed a delicious supper and warm fellowship as we celebrated with Revd. Luke and his family. We thank God for His enduring presence as they continue their ministry in our Diocese.