Service of Installation at Kilmore Cathedral
This Sunday, the 26th November, the Venerable Ian Horner and Canon Richard Waller were installed into the Chapter of St Fethlimidh’s Cathedral, Kilmore. The service took place on the Sunday before Advent – a day on which the church traditionally celebrates the Kingship of Christ. Colleagues, friends, family and parishioners gathered for a wonderfully encouraging service led by Dean Nigel Crossey.
The address at the service was given by Bishop Ferran Glenfield who preached from Daniel Chapter 6 – the story of Daniel in the lion’s den. It is a story that helps us to see that Heaven rules even in the most challenging circumstances. The Bishop’s sermon was a great encouragement to believe and live out that truth as we wait for God’s kingdom to come, His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Many thanks to the parishioners of the Cathedral who had organised a delicious supper after the service. It was a great time to enjoy fellowship and a cup of tea with the wider Diocesan family.